Thanks Happy.
Not knowing what kkarn uses as a reference for his fun factor and what a 10 would be, and just having a quick look at Poolies descriptive, might put me in a bit of a spot. I'm not big on out of 10 ratings because I think they can be misleading and individual at best. Besides that, I'm a bit weird, probably more so than most, because I can find fun without the need of all the highly sought after acronyms. Or enjoy them when offered. Conversely I've had sessions with the highest of the sought after acronyms and been bored.
I'd have to say though if you don't enjoy your time with Jenny you ain't normal and Leilani is right up there. Lisa and Yasmine would come in there somewhere after and in that order.
Have I made any sense? No. Okay... Numbers you want, I'll have to think about that more. I'll get back to you.