So do you boys only rely on this site for intel on who to see.
Do you use backpage to hunt for your new adventure ?
ITS GONE. now what ??
I use BP almost exclusively, and Craigslist every so often. Very consistent formats, easy to cross reference within Review Sites. If reviews are not available, I try to have a reasonably open conversation with the individual so that I have a feel for their personality, and hopefully provide them with a sense of me. From there, I go for it if I feel attracted to their personality. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Also, reading reviews is somewhat nebulous. I don't know the reviewer, so I have to make a value decision based on intuition. Sort of like asking a kid working in 7-11 for the best restaurant in town. His value base may be significantly different than mine.
So to answer your question Annalise, "now what?" I honestly don't know. Two women that I have talked to here (in California) today are very upset about the situation. Another in Las Vegas has the same concerns. I am disappointed as I have lost a valuable resource in which to be introduced to new providers. Like many others, I'll wait and see. I also feel for your position as an industry professional, as there are precious few locations left to advertise.
Perhaps it will stimulate our members on Massageplanet to get back to basics, and share reasonable information without a bunch of cross talk. As I've said before, we have a valuable resource here, let's not screw it up.
Thanks for posing the question.