There is no schedule on the website yet. We have been pushing for that as well as flexible showerheads and bigger fluffier towels.
You have to call to see their schedule. They're very friendly and won't mind giving it out over the phone.
Zoe is pretty new. I've been going to this place for several months now and the roster has grown substantially. If I recall she was only added about 1-2 months ago. Haven't seen her so I can't comment. I have also not seen any information posted on her so whatever the correct combination you could have used probably would have come up empty anyway.
Rosa is Rosa and there's plenty of info on this board about her. Pics are accurate. She's a little older and a firecracker, not for the faint of heart.
You won't get SP type treatment in a Licensed MP (unless by some fluke you're lucky and have developed a rapport after many visits to an attendant). In otherwords, it's a rarity based on trust that if it did happen it isn't spoken of here in posts. Unlicensed MP's may be a different story - I don't know, I don't go.