Hi Folks,
Jesus what a shit show this forum is. Brutal trying to wade through it all for some actual reviews.
So last week I thought I would try the place out, however since I was already on the road at the time I used google and found Shangri-La Spa down at Midland and Old Kingston Rd.
Never thought twice about it. Found the place, went in, immediately knew I was in the wrong place, dark, run down, no shower that I know of.
Older lady (low 50's, Maaaaaybe late 40's) came out, wasn't terrible looking. I was in the area for actual business and decided fuck it, I'm here lets have a 30m quickie.
Meh message, a bit of edging, on the flip asked what I would like, took a shot at $60 FS but that was a no no she advised. Settled on $40 full nude with a pretty dull BS, surprisingly good HE though, did this thing with her nail kind of vibrating right on the tip.

R Don't trust google to find the place, if you do end up there save your cash.
I will have to try again one of these days. And will definitely post my review. I'm expecting big things Krayjee, Cici at BS and my girl Angel at E&M (retired) set some pretty high service expectations!