With no help coming in and getting frustrated cum horny as hell. Ventured to NL. I am very comfy with 2b2f. Never tried other floors. Met Krishna. He suggested Sangeeta. Was not sure so also had look at Usha. Finally agreed for Sangeeta but somehow she went our somewhere and wait was for 30 mins. So agreed with Usha . Nice soul. Cone shaped boobs. Petite with slight tummy. Asked her cim. She denied so cajoled her more and she agreed for only polio drops and then will pull outWas having session after 8 months so Jonny was hard as hell. Got amazing bj with high intensity and lots of kiss in between. Do boond zindagi ki in her mouth and rest on my face. Felt like a porn star and good laugh. Cleaned up and relaxed. She asked for 2nd round in 2 mins and I was like no.it would hard work for her. She said let's see. I was like kar me mehnat mainu ki. But Jonny was in drought for months and was up in 1 min. I was surprised. Could not believe this is my personal lavda. She started banging in wot. Hard and fast. My body was stiff as hell. Knew I Was going to cum fast. Did not want to hold. And fountain was open again but luckily in pink sack. Cleaned kissed and bye. Damage 5200 for 2. Met panipuriwala. Had panipuri. Finally felt like blood was going to all body parts. Earlier it was only dick and to head thinking how to get laid.
Anyone tried Sangeeta. How is she?
NL always works. Only it's too far now as I work in goregaon. Again if someone can inbox me with Thane to malad would be great. In call/ indie anything. Cheers.

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