Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
Intro To Anon MPA - Really Unique Spa Journey
… our connection started on msgplanet during lockdown… basically, xtc27 almost abandoned the ‘planet cos all posts= trolls & politics… then, holy sh!t, an MPA , started replying 2 posts
…really started 2 dig this MPA… seems like fun, nice person… luved it when she said she liked 2do Russian, cos she gets 2 watch! … & she replied 2me few times … then she DM me 2 recontact when spas re-open… so I did…
And So It Begins
…she gave enuf clues…
... was pretty sure @ Flirt… even checked out Flirt Asian chicks… none of ‘em looked 2 bad… one, of course, really outstanding…
When I saw Flirt had free room fee Aug 4th, DM’d her right away… fingers & toze crossed…
… so friggn nervous… problem is, I already liked her… not HORNY 4 her, not sure yet what she looked like, but so cute personality! … & during lockdown, she kept me entertained & enthralled… wanted 2 meet her, but half-scared2… what if we don’t click @ all in reality?
Anyway… only losers don’t try …
…let her know that I belong 2 her favourite guy-type, older, & lucky her, bald white guy, what more could u ask! What a pitch, eh?
…& then, protecting my goddamn achy-breaky heart, I said if u don’t reply, no problem, in my mind, u found a sugardaddy & retired!
…no reply… crickets…
…so I sent her congratulations, & resumed hobbying w clear mind…
Weeks Later…
…in my msgplanet inbox… huh? Who is this?!?! Holy sh!t!!!
So, her secret identity revealed… Mei @ Flirt!
Fuckfuckfuckfuck… cutest one there… youngest 2… had been looking @ her anyway… could have Asian MPA & convo w/o google translate, almost kinky…
…but, in message, she let me know… biggest party pooper, masks mandatory… DFK off limits… story of my life…

Hmm… on 1 hand… should decrease lineup 4 popular girl… OTOH…. Ah man, I’m like biggest DFK fan! …. Some bro on the ‘planet told me he googled DFK & my name came up… he’s friggn right! It does!... cos I keep searching for the Great Asian DFK, FFS! … even made a list of great DFK providers during lockdown… all friggn retired post lockdown! (Except two…)
…but I figured, Flirt, c’mon, DFK= in their DNA, almost in their logo… but there it was in B&W…
The Research
…so I checked 2c if anyone else actually saw Mei… a few vague reviews, not much detail …. But Flirt semi-legit, that’s it… hmm...
Not casting any shade on FS girls or hobbyists… accidentally done it myself (CFS unexpectedly offered, xtc27jr said yes)…. & sometimes on purpose… But… usually prefer semi-legit experience… & if I want FS, I want it guaranteed…
…was going 2 back outta seeing her… hell, we r anon, right? She’d never know… reread her posts & DMs, in luv again, decided u no, whatever, don’t think she’s gonna rape me on 1st visit while wearing mask…
Crossing the Dance Floor
Me=West End guy, Mei=Flirt VP, East End… star crossed lovers… anyway, I got my star-crossing device, so I picked beautiful summer day & biked crosstown…
…not full speed, gotta save some energy…
Around Yonge St… jitters… this always happens when I tried to ask a girl 2 dance… about halfway, get nervous… rejection… spa 2 busy… maybe B&S, girl not that cute… & practically guaranteed no DFK. Guaran-f*ckn-teed.
…& been awhile… luvs me some DFK… here I am guaranteeing “DFK-Fail” w Mei… But I am equally close to Shangri-La! Hey! My old fave, Coco, working today (2nd last DFK girl not retired)… & (other DFK girl) Lucy could change her mind, DFK me 1st time ever… Renee… hell, sometimes LFK happens… esp xtc27 right? Their old friend?
…& Greenway, very close… body kisses already reported, maybe with my remarkable middle aged bald white guy looks, natural charm… DFK could happen…
But… this is dance floor stuff… gave my head a shake (both of ‘em)… I really like this girl, as a person… this is really like the naked date she joked about in her DM… she can be ugly, & at least I am meeting a person I like, right?
…so I re-engineered her looks in my head… what if she’s kinda gawky, acne scars, crooked teeth, outta shape unfit flabby body… & maybe 2 shy 2 talk in the room… u still wanna see her?
…YES, gotta go 2c her, already like her… ugly? S’ok, we’ll still connect…
But What if I Friggn Know Her?
So, scary thing… I know allot of Asian ppl…. Not normally a problem, since most Asian MPAs = not Cdn…. But Mei might be friend’s daughter… uh oh… but Flirt allows MPAs 2c clients b4 we go in, so this little situation can be avoided…
…I didn’t book an apptmnt… if she sees me & knows me, she can say she’s busy, I’ll never know… some tall friend’s daughter smiles @ me awkwardly @ Xmas party, oh well… she’ll never be sure, me= in mask & sunglasses & cool hat…
So, giant roll of dice… no apptmnt, very popular girl…
The Disappointment
…arrive @ spa… outside, dude looks & sounds like my nxt door neighbour …. Geez, wasn’t him, but freaked me out a bit…
Prominent sign on door re COVID rules… no kissing… fuck off, I know already, don’t remind me… asked 2c Mei… long pause… lookin’ thru sched very slowly, uh-huh… or givin girl a chance 2 have a look…

Showed up hh later… cancellation! I’m seeing Mei! Awesome! Even though, in my head, she is a very plain girl now & prolly 2 shy 2 talk in room…
Jen asked me wait… hilarious phone call… “We do massage, body-to-body massage, & release… yes release… hand release… no, no blow jobs… no, no sex, we are a licensed body rub…” Said 2me, sorry about the wait… told her, u kiddin’ me, that was hilarious… she says she’ll write a book one day…
Beautiful room, amazing big glass shower… & in comes Mei!
Oh. My. God.
… Even w mask on, gorgeous… Nice curvy hips & round firm ass, amazing boobs, really light skinned, long thick black hair, & beautiful intense playful brown eyes…. Website sez 18 yrs old… well, I’d guess bit older, 24 yrs old max …
Then she gave me a peak behind mask… Geez! DDG. Like, if u don’t really like Asian girls, she’ll convert u…
…mask went back on, my mask stayed on… but it was really fun, intense, passionate. Our 1st date… but we knew each other f/ msgplanet! We really had this BF-GF chemistry… natural conversation flow… & naked. All 1st dates should b like this…
Can we talk boobs? She’s 36C… website was wrong, said B, how can 36 be only B… magnificent, firm, zero sag & just a nice size… more than a handful, natural, delightfully firm… young girls, can’t beat ‘em when it comes 2 great firm tits.
Massage, no complaints, kept it brief… then fun stuffs… her on table, legs up, pulling on jr… simulated fuck… encouraged me 2 choke her… kinky, not in2 that, but ok… we did Russian… knew that was coming… simulated CG, & reverse… she cuddled up 2 me doing HJ, gorgeous eyes like 2 inches away… I was getting close 2 cumming, my eyes started 2 close, & she said “Open your eyes” Oops! Eye contact w her is really amazing… she told me several times, not allowed 2 cum yet… finally allowed it… geez, my cum shot really far… almost got her… gotta practice my aim…
Throughout, she’s doing this xxx dirty talk… she even asked if I was in "XTC"...pun, get it?..., haha! … yet, due 2 our connectn, felt like my gf talking dirty 2me, her new bf…
Then we got in shower together, like ol’ friends, she cleaned me up… yeah, no DFK, no extras, but I felt dazzled, from head 2 toze tingling…
…I’ve had BJ & FS that were less fun… there is nothing like being together w DDG woman…
Mei leads me 2 door, lets me know I can ask 4 a lineup show 2c other girls in case I want 2c ‘em next time… but she added, I hope u want 2c me!
…so ask Jen 4 the show… they all seemed 2 know I’d been dazzled, none of them looked gd 2 me… except Hazel, my yellow fever still there… somehow…
…the risk of DDG woman… kills interest in other girls 4 awhile…even writing this makes me focused on her again… gotta say, attached guys, u better think carefully b4 seeing Mei!
Created account @ front desk… 10th visit no room fee… told them use name XTC27… Jen said, are u sure? Don’t use a name yer gonna 4get… told her, no problem, it’s my real name!
… our connection started on msgplanet during lockdown… basically, xtc27 almost abandoned the ‘planet cos all posts= trolls & politics… then, holy sh!t, an MPA , started replying 2 posts
- I’m like, is this @Ursus ? But… language sounded like girl talking… EDUCATED girl talking, English as 1st language….
- … started enjoying her replies... very entertaining… revealed that she’s ASIAN… then my yellow fever started 2 build… geez… most MPAs start 2 lose patience w trolls, but she remained polite & cute… yeah, seems like Asian…
…really started 2 dig this MPA… seems like fun, nice person… luved it when she said she liked 2do Russian, cos she gets 2 watch! … & she replied 2me few times … then she DM me 2 recontact when spas re-open… so I did…
And So It Begins
…she gave enuf clues…

... was pretty sure @ Flirt… even checked out Flirt Asian chicks… none of ‘em looked 2 bad… one, of course, really outstanding…
When I saw Flirt had free room fee Aug 4th, DM’d her right away… fingers & toze crossed…

… so friggn nervous… problem is, I already liked her… not HORNY 4 her, not sure yet what she looked like, but so cute personality! … & during lockdown, she kept me entertained & enthralled… wanted 2 meet her, but half-scared2… what if we don’t click @ all in reality?

Anyway… only losers don’t try …
…let her know that I belong 2 her favourite guy-type, older, & lucky her, bald white guy, what more could u ask! What a pitch, eh?
…& then, protecting my goddamn achy-breaky heart, I said if u don’t reply, no problem, in my mind, u found a sugardaddy & retired!
…no reply… crickets…

…so I sent her congratulations, & resumed hobbying w clear mind…

Weeks Later…
…in my msgplanet inbox… huh? Who is this?!?! Holy sh!t!!!

So, her secret identity revealed… Mei @ Flirt!
Fuckfuckfuckfuck… cutest one there… youngest 2… had been looking @ her anyway… could have Asian MPA & convo w/o google translate, almost kinky…
…but, in message, she let me know… biggest party pooper, masks mandatory… DFK off limits… story of my life…

Hmm… on 1 hand… should decrease lineup 4 popular girl… OTOH…. Ah man, I’m like biggest DFK fan! …. Some bro on the ‘planet told me he googled DFK & my name came up… he’s friggn right! It does!... cos I keep searching for the Great Asian DFK, FFS! … even made a list of great DFK providers during lockdown… all friggn retired post lockdown! (Except two…)
…but I figured, Flirt, c’mon, DFK= in their DNA, almost in their logo… but there it was in B&W…
The Research
…so I checked 2c if anyone else actually saw Mei… a few vague reviews, not much detail …. But Flirt semi-legit, that’s it… hmm...
Not casting any shade on FS girls or hobbyists… accidentally done it myself (CFS unexpectedly offered, xtc27jr said yes)…. & sometimes on purpose… But… usually prefer semi-legit experience… & if I want FS, I want it guaranteed…
…was going 2 back outta seeing her… hell, we r anon, right? She’d never know… reread her posts & DMs, in luv again, decided u no, whatever, don’t think she’s gonna rape me on 1st visit while wearing mask…

Crossing the Dance Floor
Me=West End guy, Mei=Flirt VP, East End… star crossed lovers… anyway, I got my star-crossing device, so I picked beautiful summer day & biked crosstown…

…not full speed, gotta save some energy…
Around Yonge St… jitters… this always happens when I tried to ask a girl 2 dance… about halfway, get nervous… rejection… spa 2 busy… maybe B&S, girl not that cute… & practically guaranteed no DFK. Guaran-f*ckn-teed.
…& been awhile… luvs me some DFK… here I am guaranteeing “DFK-Fail” w Mei… But I am equally close to Shangri-La! Hey! My old fave, Coco, working today (2nd last DFK girl not retired)… & (other DFK girl) Lucy could change her mind, DFK me 1st time ever… Renee… hell, sometimes LFK happens… esp xtc27 right? Their old friend?
…& Greenway, very close… body kisses already reported, maybe with my remarkable middle aged bald white guy looks, natural charm… DFK could happen…

But… this is dance floor stuff… gave my head a shake (both of ‘em)… I really like this girl, as a person… this is really like the naked date she joked about in her DM… she can be ugly, & at least I am meeting a person I like, right?
…so I re-engineered her looks in my head… what if she’s kinda gawky, acne scars, crooked teeth, outta shape unfit flabby body… & maybe 2 shy 2 talk in the room… u still wanna see her?
…YES, gotta go 2c her, already like her… ugly? S’ok, we’ll still connect…
But What if I Friggn Know Her?
So, scary thing… I know allot of Asian ppl…. Not normally a problem, since most Asian MPAs = not Cdn…. But Mei might be friend’s daughter… uh oh… but Flirt allows MPAs 2c clients b4 we go in, so this little situation can be avoided…
…I didn’t book an apptmnt… if she sees me & knows me, she can say she’s busy, I’ll never know… some tall friend’s daughter smiles @ me awkwardly @ Xmas party, oh well… she’ll never be sure, me= in mask & sunglasses & cool hat…

So, giant roll of dice… no apptmnt, very popular girl…

The Disappointment
…arrive @ spa… outside, dude looks & sounds like my nxt door neighbour …. Geez, wasn’t him, but freaked me out a bit…
Prominent sign on door re COVID rules… no kissing… fuck off, I know already, don’t remind me… asked 2c Mei… long pause… lookin’ thru sched very slowly, uh-huh… or givin girl a chance 2 have a look…
- Couldn’t book Mei= busy …. Or she looked in the window & recognized me….

Showed up hh later… cancellation! I’m seeing Mei! Awesome! Even though, in my head, she is a very plain girl now & prolly 2 shy 2 talk in room…
Jen asked me wait… hilarious phone call… “We do massage, body-to-body massage, & release… yes release… hand release… no, no blow jobs… no, no sex, we are a licensed body rub…” Said 2me, sorry about the wait… told her, u kiddin’ me, that was hilarious… she says she’ll write a book one day…
Beautiful room, amazing big glass shower… & in comes Mei!
Oh. My. God.
… Even w mask on, gorgeous… Nice curvy hips & round firm ass, amazing boobs, really light skinned, long thick black hair, & beautiful intense playful brown eyes…. Website sez 18 yrs old… well, I’d guess bit older, 24 yrs old max …
Then she gave me a peak behind mask… Geez! DDG. Like, if u don’t really like Asian girls, she’ll convert u…
…mask went back on, my mask stayed on… but it was really fun, intense, passionate. Our 1st date… but we knew each other f/ msgplanet! We really had this BF-GF chemistry… natural conversation flow… & naked. All 1st dates should b like this…
Can we talk boobs? She’s 36C… website was wrong, said B, how can 36 be only B… magnificent, firm, zero sag & just a nice size… more than a handful, natural, delightfully firm… young girls, can’t beat ‘em when it comes 2 great firm tits.
Massage, no complaints, kept it brief… then fun stuffs… her on table, legs up, pulling on jr… simulated fuck… encouraged me 2 choke her… kinky, not in2 that, but ok… we did Russian… knew that was coming… simulated CG, & reverse… she cuddled up 2 me doing HJ, gorgeous eyes like 2 inches away… I was getting close 2 cumming, my eyes started 2 close, & she said “Open your eyes” Oops! Eye contact w her is really amazing… she told me several times, not allowed 2 cum yet… finally allowed it… geez, my cum shot really far… almost got her… gotta practice my aim…

Throughout, she’s doing this xxx dirty talk… she even asked if I was in "XTC"...pun, get it?..., haha! … yet, due 2 our connectn, felt like my gf talking dirty 2me, her new bf…
Then we got in shower together, like ol’ friends, she cleaned me up… yeah, no DFK, no extras, but I felt dazzled, from head 2 toze tingling…
…I’ve had BJ & FS that were less fun… there is nothing like being together w DDG woman…
Mei leads me 2 door, lets me know I can ask 4 a lineup show 2c other girls in case I want 2c ‘em next time… but she added, I hope u want 2c me!
…so ask Jen 4 the show… they all seemed 2 know I’d been dazzled, none of them looked gd 2 me… except Hazel, my yellow fever still there… somehow…
…the risk of DDG woman… kills interest in other girls 4 awhile…even writing this makes me focused on her again… gotta say, attached guys, u better think carefully b4 seeing Mei!

Created account @ front desk… 10th visit no room fee… told them use name XTC27… Jen said, are u sure? Don’t use a name yer gonna 4get… told her, no problem, it’s my real name!
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