So I asked her what was on the menu and she replied EVERYTHING! Then I asked, rimming as well? She said NO, sorry.
BTW, you guys should check Sunny Foot Spa on Dundas (4-1900 Dundas St E, Mississauga, ON L4X 2Z4), there is a chubby girl named YUKI, working on TUE, FRI, SUN.
She isn't attractive but the point is she has HUGE HANDS and a Bulky body that can crush you .. lol
You should try BODY SCRUB with her and she will clean every inch of your body, even better than the table shower experience from Victoria Elite.
And she knows how to milk you from behind while you are laying in your stomach!
If you are looking for a great massage, great body scrub and amazing teasing, then you will be happy for sure!
She is also very friendly and good at communication.
… guess my post trying 2b cute & funny

… oh well… actually dont give a sh!t re RIMMING @ all

, excep rimmers normally eat cum no probs…
So many mpas think ‘do everything’ means cbj & cfs… so naive!
Like, ask a girl what she does, & many will say
full menu or
… then u ask

And different tune…. “No, I dont do unsafe services… “
DFK & bbbj = pretty common w escorts, incl most definitely Asian ones… but in spas, much rarer…
2me, full menu = bj & fs, ofc, & I accep it no longer incl bbbj…. altho it might…
EVERYTHING? Thats gotta incl bbbj & dfk, or the word has no meaning…
Thats a niche market thing… I mean, all dudes luv blowjobs, & nobody likes wearng ’dom 4 a bj… kissing? Again, most dudes like it @ right moment… & many dudes get dfk & bbbjcim f/ gf… lemme b clear, all my adult gf did both w me…. the bj 2 completion, its notta new thing… date a Catholic who wont use birth control & theres lotsa full blowjobs in yer future…
…. rimming, thats a minority, very few gf do this … so if rimming aint on the
everything menu, its ok
Olivia… d’ya think EVERYTHING incl bbbjcim? Im rereadng yer post, sounds like it does… or mebbe u just dunno?