wow actual dragon tendon?
can someone confirm?
I don't post on the boards but i HAVE to call out this false advertisement and i can confirm its no where close to an actual dragon tendon, it was more like an iguana

I visited this attendant at I&U because i noticed her name and photo was the same on their page.
It was late in the afternoon, all my semi legit faves were all booked up. So i decided to chase the dragon, no pun intended.

I've only tried the so called technique once at Golden 101 and it was very enjoyable!
On the other hand, the experience with this attendant was the complete opposite lol. Very light massage with no flow, she was all over the place. Thinking to myself, as long as the dragon ending is top notch, im cool.
The 'tease' came early and i knew right away, this aint it. lmao. "Shoulda went with Yumi"... SMH.
Tease was non existent so i decided to turn over, she kindly asked if i wanted extra and i said ofcourse! I come here (I&U) all the time... I offered to give my standard 60/topless...
I couldnt believe what i heard next from this so called 'not tip hungry and dragon technique' attendant.
I said no problem HJ is fine this is the first time I've heard this. At this point, i wasnt in the mood so i just laid back and watched her in disbelief, rushing to rinse me off semi hard, looking back and forth at the clock. After my not so happy ending i gave her the 60 hopped in the shower with atleast 5min left on the clock.
Took an extra long shower and on my way out i get a happy goodbye and ty from the 'tip hungry iguana specialist.'
The cherry on top was passing the talented YUMI in the hallway giving me the kind smile with a 'bye', as i walk with more dissapointment.
"Damn, i really shoulda went with YUMI"

Maybe it couldve been a bad day for the attendant and i most def respect the hustle, but def not taking any recommendations from this unverified source again.