Most semilegits Ive been 2… just ask…

… frequently they don’t even need xxxtra tips… if u book an hr, they gotta do 45min msg,

, 15 min fun… 2 SOG? Then its less back msg, more dick msg

… & thats easier & faster!
1 hr msg rm fee semilegit = $60… 1 hj w nudity = $60 …its either 2nd shot incl or mebbe she wants another $20-40? Talk w the gal but if yer a repeat client, this won’t break the bank.

I’d say its gonna b under $160 all in…
Negotiate right away tho, like u might leave if u hear the wrong answer, & she’s not gonna ask 2 much…
Full service spas, a bj or fs twice, way more work

… so theyre gonna wanna premium… plus rm fee = $80, not $60…
1 SOG & 1hr, thats $120 tip… so $200 right away… I think u gotta offer another $50

2 get suck&fuck #2… & if u cant finish, dont ask 4 a refund!

negotiate b4 u start, or they can ask whatever @ the end.