Best wishes to the ladies who have set off fireworks for me every time I see them. Gents, all the best.
Tonight I will continue my tradition of celebrating Canada Day with a hottie that will be sure to light my fireworks into the wee morning hours.
Hello Gentlemen,
I am a sensual massage consultant located in Toronto, Canada. My body to body treatments have been designed to relax, stimulate and arouse my clients senses while enjoying some much needed down time after a busy day at work, or you may simply crave a sensual, titillating...
executivetouchtreatments submitted a new classified:
Are You A Traveling Executive Visiting Toronto, Canada? - Erotic Massage Sessions with Jasleen Sejour
Read more about this resource...
I have been a furry for some time now and I'll be getting my first fursuit soon and I want to go to a furry con. I was thinking of Anthrocon or Further Confusion but I don't know if they'll be good for me as I still have no friends there/don't know if I'll make friends there and I wanna know if...
Canada is the most lucrative market for Massage Planet. If the Admin. does not give a damm if it is being destroyed, it is because they have abandoned it. I suspect they will let it run until their internet host cuts them off for non payment for hosting or when the name registration runs out
Canada is the most lucrative market for Massage Planet. If the Admin. does not give a damn if it is being destroyed, it is because they have abandoned it. I suspect they will let it run until their internet host cuts them off for non payment for hosting or when the name registration runs out
I have been here several times with very varied results. A few girls have been great but then I lost track of them and they are gone to greener pastures, or more money! A few have also been lousy and I'm afraid this visit a few weeks ago falls in that category. The girl was Coco (how original)...
OK guys, a real post for a change from all the Curv shit. Saw Mimi, works Saturdays. One of the better looking Asians with a nice body. I like to get right to the action and prefer my massage after the main event. So 40 for 30 mins + 80 for B Slide. Pretty good dirty talk with decent English but...
It was inevitable. Nobody rents physical media anymore...or perhaps I should say not very many people rent physical media any more. If they'd been paying attention, they would have gotten into online delivery much sooner.
Man fined for not having enough sex with his wife (in France)
"London, Sep 7 (IANS) A man has been ordered to pay his ex-wife thousands of pounds in damages for failing to have enough sex with her during their 21-years of...
Professor: Prostitution website was just a hobby
Physics teacher held on 40 counts of promoting prostitution says he didn't make money from the site
The Associated Press
updated 14 minutes ago 2011-06-21T18:33:10...
Have you been held hostage by the postal strike?. As a professional my cheques are not coming in but have to pay my staff. Yes there is direct payment and all but insurance claims and others come by mail.
I agree 100% that the Government should introduce back-to-work legislation Monday or...
It was worth every penny. Who wants to come over for caviar and lobster :tongue: :)
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