
  1. K

    10th and 10th 35 dollar massage

    i did manage to get into this place on tuesday of this week. i asked at the front desk about massages and the drity blond girl cutting a kids hair gave me a smirky smile. the chinese lady said ok go to room 4 down the hall. iwas hopin for the blond. guess what, nope, waited 30 minutes...
  2. C

    About dollar singapore?

    I have S$50 but I am not very sure that my S$50 is still valid. This is the detail : Front : Ship(Coaster vessel) and the back : Benjamin Sheares Bridge. So, is this S$50 valid nowadays ?
  3. W

    Privates or Clubs The Million Dollar Question?

    I had a spare night in Prague last week so I bought Annonce on a news stand. Make sure you buy the correct section "Hobby Kontakty". Inside you will find a 20 page section full of adverts for "Privates" - quite a few have colour adverts of the girls. I rang up a Private on Kodanska 57 but...
  4. T

    Superbowl Promo @ Plush/Bliss $20 Dollar Door Fee

    Looks like mp's think its gonna be slow during superbowl. Plush/Bliss have $20 dollar door fees all day Sunday. I don't think $20 dollar's is really gonna do anything but I guess it's worth a try. Personally I don't care what the door fee is, the Superbowl is the Superbowl...
  5. S

    - Worth Every Dollar -

    . - I haven't posted many reviews lately, since most were just mediocre . However, today was an exception ! I stopped into Marvelous Spa in Concord, and asked to see Claudia . Although this spa is not as "top end" as SRM etc., that doesn't mean you won't find some excellent talent in...
  6. R

    Olivia? from silhouette @ million dollar

    Guys I apologize for putting in milliion dollar salloon in the massage section, but I could've swore that Olivia from silhouette is a dancer there. Was there on a wednesday night and it looks like her. Haven't been at silhouette myself, but she did have all the characteristics that you...
  7. Pompal 09.

    20 Dollar Massage Heintzman St

    While back in the paper there was a women who charged $20 massage for 20 minuts. Anyway I drove by the location only to find a dead end street and a series of pretty run down looking houses. As I was deciding if I should go up and knock on the door, I noticed a gentleman approaching the...
  8. E

    Where is euthanasia introduced in Million Dollar Baby?

    i need this ASAP!!
  9. Nick Jonas <3

    One hundred dollar tattoo

    Larry gets home late one night and his wife, Linda, says, "Where in the hell have you been?" Larry replies, "I was out getting a tattoo." "A tattoo?" she Reviewowned. "What kind of tattoo did you Get?" "I got a hundred dollar bill on my privates," he said proudly. "What the hell were you...
  10. E

    <<<Thousand dollar for a head>>>

    yeah I get it, the bleeped out word is a.ssholes good one and same to you itsmelisa :lol:
  11. T

    when will obama introduce the bancor after the dollar finally dies?
  12. O

    Who needs the link to Rand Paul stating he has a 500 Billion Dollar Spending...

    ...Cut bil to introduce to the floor? Well here it is!!!
  13. Y

    Why is the dollar still weakening against the euro after the fed introduced

    the stimulas package? isnt the fed announcement meant to strengthen the currency?
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