
  1. K

    Troubleshooting the IT way for a Flat Tyre.

    A Software guy, a Hardware guy and a Mainframe guy are driving across the desert when they get a flat tyre. The Mainframe guy says, "Well, now we have to get a new car." The Hardware guy says, "I got a better idea. Let's rotate the tires and see if we can isolate the problem." The...
  2. A

    Flat tummy

    Lolol. I've heard it before but it still cracks me up!
  3. K

    How do you massage or stretch flat feet?

    I have a really bad flat feet...by the end of the day the part where i should have a arch hurts so bad. What can i do?!
  4. E

    Flat in the center of Moscow - 100 a night

    If you've been to Moscow you probably know that hotels are usually overpriced and particularly strict with respect to their guest policy. To make things worse, waytorussia and rentline seem to be out of order. I have a small renovated studio flat that I can rent out for 100 bucks a night -...
  5. K

    how can i massage my flat feet (the place where the arch SHOULD be)?

    i have really bad flat feet, By the end of the day the part on my foot where i SHOULD have an arch hurts horribly. what can i do to massage it or anything to get it to stop aching!! please help!
  6. Mike

    Flat Irons of Your Choice + Sprays? -Newbie-?

    So. I'm a 14yo male. I straighten my hair. After 14 years of having ridiculously curly hair, I've grown attatched to straightening my hair. It's so much easier. As some of you may know, there's a youtuber named Dudeneedaeaseonup (Dude needa ease on up) who straightens his hair and has naturally...
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