
  1. J

    French MPA ?

    does anyone know of a good MPA that has a french accent?
  2. N

    French, Russian, Italian, Greek

    Don't worry! I'm not asking where to get these and we all know the thread to find out what they mean, but does anybody know the origins of these phrases? Do they have ethnic origins or geographical significance or did someone just make them up? By the way, has anyone ever had a danish?
  3. Pompal 09.

    iso vanessa sexy french kitten

    where is she? haven't seen any posts from her lately
  4. tom_terrific73

    Sexy french Kitten- No Show

    I'm not sure if this belongs in the Massage or Incall section since she claims to provide a little of both. Well after trying to book a session with the Sexy French Kitten - Stephanie over the last couple of days. I thought today might be the day. I was wrong Her pics are hot and she soulded...
  5. K

    spanish, french, german, sweedish, russian, romanian words for star related items?

    what are the different names for meteorite, shooting star, falling star, ect. to name something, so only put it if it sounds pretty and is easy to pronounce thanks
  6. S

    Learning French - French Chat Buddy?

    Hey everyone! I'm moving to Montreal soon and I hope to pick up my French before I go. Does anyone want to talk to me on Msn in French? :) Merci beaucoup !
  7. B

    can someone introduce me to nice french pop punk band..similar to simple plan type

    of song? similar songs like simple plan but in french
  8. S

    French Condom Ad

    Reviewench Condom Ad - Inventive, Creative, Original European TV...this is a Reviewench condom ad! Quite normal there...
  9. N

    Serving In The French Foreign Legion

    A captain in the foreign legion was transferred to a desert outpost. On his orientation tour he noticed a very old, seedy looking camel tied out back of the enlisted men's barracks. He asked the sergeant leading the tour, "What's the camel for?" The sergeant replied, "Well sir, it's a long way...
  10. C

    Only in French.....

    This apparently is a true story: I read it yesterday. Apparently there was a meeting between the Macmillans and the de Gaulles; both couples being super refined conversation didn't exactly flow. So Mrs Macmillan leaned over to Mme de Gaulle and said 'If you could have anything in the...
  11. Q

    Sardar, english man and french joke

    looooool good one loooooooool
  12. J

    French Embassy

    An American tourist in London decides to skip his tour group and explore the city on his own. He wanders around, seeing the sights, and occasionally stopping at a quaint pub to soak up the local culture, chat with the lads, and have a pint of Guinness. After awhile, he finds himself in a very...
  13. C

    4 guys, a Russian, a German, an American and French

    There were these 4 guys, a Russian, a German, an American and French, who found this small genie bottle. When they rubbed the bottle, a genie appears. Thankful that the 4 guys had released him out of the bottle, he said, "Next to you all are 4 swimming pools, I will give each of you a wish...
  14. K

    spanish, french, german, sweedish, russian, romanian words for star related items?

    what are the different names for meteorite, shooting star, falling star, ect. to name something, so only put it if it sounds pretty and is easy to pronounce thanks
  15. H

    french video chat sites?

    i wanted to know if there where any sites where i could talk to french speakers and improve my french
  16. W

    In French, how would you introduce a pet (like an animal)?

    To introduce a person, you might say "Il s'appelle (name)," for example, "Il s'appelle Maurice." This would translate as "he calls himself Maurice," and the equivalent in English would be "His name is Maurice." For animals such as family pets, though, would it be the same? Since animals aren't...
  17. K

    spanish, french, german, sweedish, russian, romanian words for star related items?

    what are the different names for meteorite, shooting star, falling star, ect. to name something, so only put it if it sounds pretty and is easy to pronounce thanks
  18. M

    Any grammer tricks for a newbie learning French?

    I am currently on an student exchange in France, and i am trying my best to learn some french while I'm here. But the one thing I can absolutely not grasp is Grammer. I know that when you translate things word by word it isn't correct, but no body has told me how to do this properly yet. Are...
  19. K

    spanish, french, german, sweedish, russian, romanian words for star related items?

    what are the different names for meteorite, shooting star, falling star, ect. to name something, so only put it if it sounds pretty and is easy to pronounce thanks
  20. S

    how to say "newbie" in french?

    How do you say "newbie" in french?
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