
  1. ?

    My friend is introducing me of her friends tomorrow and im scared?

    i even told her im scared of meeting new people and i dont know what to say etc.... she is going to introduce me some guy friends as well but im really scared, what conversation can i ask them because im really bad at conversations.... thanks
  2. Z

    What does it mean when a guy friend massages your back?

    I have a very close guyfriend and he randomly started to massage my back we were on the ground in the grass I was laying on my back...i was like uhhhhh okay, I didn't feel like friends should be doing stuff like that cause I got a little turned on and then he squezed my sides like it was appart...
  3. P

    How can i introduce my friend to dating?

    My friend is a 20 year old female who has not broken into the dating scene yet, shes really shy. Shes really pretty, tall and skinny and has great potential for male companions. However she never goes out of her comfort zone and will not pursue people that she doesn't know. I don't know how to...
  4. H

    How to you introduce your new girl friend when you are somewhat embarrassed

    about her? When I first started hooking up with my girlfriend it was only for sex, we never even left her apartment. When I wanted some, or she wanted some, we would just call, and I would go over there. Well, after a 5 months of this I started to like her. She is a "well feed girl" but does...
  5. S

    why do my girlfriends parents introduce me as her 'friend'?

    i have been dating my girlfriend for 4 years now. her mother always introduces me to family members i haven't met yet as my girlfriends "friend". But her younger sisters boyfriend gets introduced as her boyfriend. It really upsets me sometimes. Should i say something or just let it go? Has...
  6. B

    how can me and my friend chat?

    so i dont have facebook and he doesnt have msn we both dont have skype whats an online thing were we can chat together with no downloads
  7. L

    I got a body massage from a friend but is it leading to something else?

    Not sure how to read a male friend intention. I had stated I had hurt my shoulder in which he offer to massage it to relief the pain. While working on the shoulder and arm and then back, it turned into a full body massage. Which ended with hugs and a kiss on the cheek all from him. Just not sure...
  8. Y

    Ever since i've introduced my friend to my other friend shes been

    sucking up to her and totally ignoring me? Im gonna change their names to protect my identity if they ever find/read this. My friend 'Lilly' (fake name) Said i'm her bestfriend ever and that no-one could ever come between us, but ever since I introduced her to my other friend 'Amy' (madeup) Shes...
  9. J

    Giving My Girlfriend Foot Massages...Her Friend Thinks I'm Weird?

    I give my girlfriend foot massages a lot. They make her feel good so I do it out of love and care for her. I am NOT a guy who gets attracted to feet, but my girlfriend's friend suggested that I do it because of a foot fetish. I was there and her friend said I must have a nasty thing for feet. Im...
  10. W

    i need a friend who is a girl to chat through mail and to share my words.....

    ...what i have to do? i m 19 yrs old guy..
  11. Alex J

    Girl Friend Expirience In Berlin ?

    I will be one night in Berlin during my trip to Norway. Can anybody give me some advice for a beginner in Berlin. I am looking for some GFE, nice amateur girl for few hours in the hotel or even all night. Is there a possibility to finde quickly some friendly girl that treat guys like lovers not...
  12. L

    what TV show first introduced the best friend living with each other?

    I know its on Hannah Montana, and Wizards of Waverly Place (bad shows), but what TV Show first had a high school girls best friend come live with them.
  13. L

    How do I make my guy friend chat with me on facebook first?

    He got his phone taken away 2 months ago. We used to talk everyday. We haven't talked since then. How do I make him chat with me first?
  14. D

    Taking first date to the zoo, got number from a friend who introduced us so I habe... cue about her? My friend gave her number to me (she asked her first of course) I spoke to her yesterday for a brief moment and she was surprised I called, I told her we should hang out some time next week and she said great. I was initially thinking of movie and a dinner but that felt...
  15. C

    My best friend introduced me to this guy..?

    And we talked for a few weeks, well me & my friend decided to have a few people over so the guy I was talking to came, we both drank way to much & had sex, but we both wish we wouldn't have. Is it impossible to move on from that?
  16. A

    introduce my girlfriend as my cousin to a friend?

    was i wrong ? i had a good reason hes somewhat of a gossiper. I am a guy lol. but he came out of the blue and asked me about her . infront of her and i said shes my cousin. shes mad. what shouuld i do ? she wont listed
  17. Emerald

    An Old Friend
  18. J

    Jaileys And The World Has Lost One Great Ex Sp/ Friend and Mother.

    Jaileys And The World Has Lost One Great Ex Sp/ Friend and Mother. This has got to be the hardest post I have ever had to write. In fact, I cant even absorb the fact that she is really gone. I am not sure how many guys remember her but she went by the name of Phoenix. She was my rock and a...
  19. K

    I'm nervous introducing my best friend to guys I like..?

    Okay so basically I'm pretty average looking. People say I'm pretty and stuff. I don't think I'm drop dead gorgeous but I know I'm not completely ugly. My best friend on the other hand is suuuuuuuper duper pretty and all the guys fall for her. She's popular too because she does cheerleading and...
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