
  1. D

    Jamie @ sunshinespa - clean thread

    I made a clean thread so that the drama can stay on the other one. I also wanted to clarify something. I don't look for FS all the time, it's actually rare. Yes I have asked in the past but there was a very special reason that I will not go into. In this case, I was not asking for FS/Big extra...
  2. D

    Jamie @ Sunshine Spa

    Pictures are accurate, hair is a little different then the pictures but same girl. Especially when look at her assets which are a set of teardrop shaped naturals. Best features for sure. Overall the service is not quite at the same level that I would have gotten from someone who is more...
  3. IronHeart

    Almost had two girls...(if Jamie actually showed up)

    Had hot sex with a cute girl at Top Drawer Ladies...couldn't extend my session, had to leave...wanted more so I went to Sunshine spa, thinking that Jamie would be there (the schedule said so), then the Chinese guy at reception told me Jamie doesn't work on weekends, I was like WTF, who updates...
  4. Ursus

    Sweet Baby Jamie, this is the song

    I want you to dance to for me:
  5. D

    Sweet Baby Jamie - Sunshine

    I finally had a session with Jamie at Sunshine. Here is my review for what it’s worth. It is true what everyone has said about her. She is a definit sweetheart with a real down to earth vibe about her. She automatically puts you at ease and is a true professional. The session for me was...
  6. IronHearted

    Disappointed by Jamie on Family Day ;(

    Wanted to do this with her at 10 o clock today, she's not there. :P
  7. LostInnocence

    Review of Sweet Baby Jamie at Sunshine Spa

    In the last couple of months, some of the new young attendants have been coming here to interact with us. It's good for business, as they have made several of us want to go and see them. Jamie works at Sunshine Spa. I really can't recall anyone talking about Sunshine Spa at all before Jamie...
  8. JB Bats

    Jamie, Noelle, Sabrina reviewed

    Here are some reviews of recent sessions... Jamie at Sunshine This older gentleman showed me to my room and I paid him the room fee and he said Jamie would be with me shortly. The room was ok. I had been to Sunshine before so I knew what to expect. I did note what another reviewer had...
  9. MouthFool

    Jamie @ Sunshine Spa

    I had visited the spa just after noon eager to meet Jamie aka @sweetbabyjamie for the first time. The spa itself wasn't bad though there were certainly luxuries missing and from those accustomed to gold standards, this may put you off. The decor isn't bad and yes there is a faint smell of...
  10. K

    Jamie or Summer at SRM?

    Any intel? Both listed as 18.. do they look their age? Do they offer extras? http://www.steelesroyal.ca/profiles/?jamie http://www.steelesroyal.ca/profiles/?summer
  11. neuve1


    Hi Everyone, A Reviewiend mentioned to me that he saw a young English girl named Jamie a few months ago. Unfortunately he lost her mobile number - I can't find any Jamies advertising here in Brisbane on the web - does anyone know the contact details of this mystery girl? Thanks, Jackwhisky
  12. L

    Toftt - Backpage Jamie Bodyrub with extras

    Thanks for the TOFTT. Similar posting now for Tanya; started a thread here. Any intel on Tanya???
  13. B

    TOFTT ---- Jamie on CL

    Hey Lads, Long time Lurker, first time poster.... Anyway, I wanted a nice, discreet massage(+) and I wasnt big on the whole AMP's crack down going on, so I chose a more discreet (hopefully) and less public option, which after eons on searching, I came up with Jamie from CL who is based out...
  14. A

    Review: A Hot Date with the Beautiful Jamie

    Date: 5/5/11 Provider: Jamie Phone: - Email Address: Jamie@yourdiscreteplaymate.com URL / Website: www.yourdiscreteplaymate.com City: Cherry Hill State: New Jersey Address: - Appointment Type: Outcall Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes Activities: Full and...
  15. C

    Review: A Steamy Session with Jamie

    Date: 4/1/2011 Provider: Jamie Phone: - Email Address: Jamie@Yourdiscreteplaymate.com URL / Website: http://www.yourdiscreteplaymate.com/ City: Cherry Hill State: New Jersey Address: - Appointment Type: Outcall Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time...
  16. A

    Review: 5806 jamie

    Date: 1/30/11 Provider: jamie Phone: na Email Address: na URL / Website: - City: houston State: Texas Address: 59 SW Appointment Type: Studio Activities: hj,cbj , cfs Session Length: 45 Fee: 60 door fee + tip=200 Hair Length and Color: brown mid back...
  17. G

    Jamie - Independant

    While browsing through a web page ( don't ask me which, I don't remember and can' find the damn thing) I came across an ad for an "outcall massage " At first I thought, expensive..... but after reading the ad decided to give a call to see what the deal was. Turns out the cost was the same as in...
  18. M

    Jamie Chung or Why I like Asian Girls..

  19. E

    Jamie at Cloud Nine

    Has anyone seen this lady recently? What is her services like
  20. R

    Jamie Littleton

    Jamie is a fantastic entertainer. A little ago I enjoyed her and Chantelle during their Nuru special. Wow! Nuru is great and I am looking forward to their next special. However I became impatient and enjoyed some pampering my Jamie. The massage is top notch; back and front. I adore her body...