
The Late Late Show with James Corden (also known as Late Late) is an American late-night talk show that aired on CBS from 2015 to 2023. It is the fourth and final iteration of The Late Late Show, and aired in the U.S. from Monday to Friday nights at 12:37 a.m. ET/PT. The show was taped in front of a studio audience Monday through Thursday afternoons at Television City in Los Angeles, in Studio 56, directly above the Bob Barker Studio (Studio 33). It was produced by Fulwell 73 and CBS Studios.
James Corden was announced as the show's new host on September 8, 2014, succeeding Craig Ferguson. Originally scheduled to premiere on March 9, 2015, CBS later pushed back the premiere to March 23, 2015, so the NCAA basketball tournament could be used to promote Corden's debut.Corden brought The Late Late Show to England for three special episodes taped at the Methodist Central Hall, Westminster from June 6 to 8, 2017. It was the third time in the show's history that it aired from another country, with Ferguson taking his incarnation to Paris, France, in 2011 and Scotland in 2012. The show returned to London for a week of shows at Methodist Hall on June 18–21, 2018, and June 17–20, 2019.In April 2022, it was announced that Corden would be leaving The Late Late Show in mid-2023. Its series finale aired on April 27, 2023; reruns of the show still aired from May 1 to September 15, 2023.

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