
  1. P

    higher mileage with not so attractive sps

    has anybody wondered that if you had picked a slightly less attractive girl for a massage that your chances of getting higher mileage might be more because she has to compete with the better looking more popular massuesses? obvioulsy all the good looking ones have lots of business because of...
  2. R

    Good gfe and mileage at Alphacare

    As a student every session counts for me. Curious as to many of the girls at Alphacare. I have had a session with Amy and she was great. Sara was somewhat of a headcase but gave a nice deep massage. Simone gave an average masage but was extremely friendly. Heard that Christina was good in the...
  3. J

    Mileage Makes Them "HOT"

    Just came back from a session at ***. Wont name her because that would just be plain rude. I actually went and made an appt with her because of the oh so very many positive reviews. I mean tonnes and tonnes of them. In any event, yes the session was absolutely MIND BLOWING great (I...
  4. R


    Where are the best places to get good mileage?
  5. L

    Your Mileage Can Vary! My story...

    Howdy, Long-time lurker, first-time poster. I
  6. L

    MP Pet Peeves: RANT Number 2: MILEAGE

    Thank You for being supportive about Rant Number 1. You've only encouraged me to keep going! This rant will undoubtedly be more controversial. LOL I will preface this by saying that any MPA who thinks a Russian release is "icky" is probably in the WRONG line of work. I believe there are...
  7. T

    High Mileage Or Better Looking?

    Just curious as to a few of your preferences. My all time favorite Mpa who is very popular here isn't the best looking girl around and considered obese to me, but the mileage is super high and she's super filthy in the room with me so I keep going back. Obviously I've been with much better...
  8. C

    mileage question

    I'm probaly going to get crucified for asking such a blunt question but what the hell.... There is always discussion about which is the best MP for whatever category. But what about the often most coveted category: mileage. So my question is, in your opinion, which MP has the most consistent...
  9. M

    mileage for older guys

    Smaller places away from multiple MP areas would seem to be best? Anyone offering any north Toronto names for a visitor who has limited time to check them out.
  10. D

    Is this high mileage

    Just curious but would you consider fingering an MPA in the ass as high mileage or is that just sort of average?
  11. M

    Mileage @ HFH (Cameron)

    Hey all...just curious about mileage with Cameron @ HFH. Normally, with girls as attractive as she is not much will happen. Thanks guys
  12. R

    Mileage Priority (DFK, DATY or DP )

    I was just wondering after a recent conversation, as to what everyone really considers would be the ultimate goal, mileage/ initimacy wise, with their favorite girl. I think in the past DATY may have been the "ultimate", but for me, in some cases, I think DFK may surpass DATY. I know there...