
  1. A

    Heading to Montreal next week, clubs and party gals

    if you want to pick up strippers at the clubs in town, good luck. most of the them do the strip thing, make their $$ and call it a night. you may find a couple that want to party outside the club, but it will cost you. inside the city, all you get is touch lap dances and no extras - for...
  2. RajvendraT

    Fun PArty....

    Hey guys.... Can some one suggest, how gr8 it would be, when all the mongers come together with girls and celebrate a nude party... awaiting u r comments...............
  3. X

    Questions In Boys & Girls Mind When Asked For Party

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
  4. M

    15 signs that the party is over

    15 signs that the party is over 1. You pass out in the snow, wearing nothing but shorts. 2. You pass out in a cardboard box. Period. 3. You've drunk texted to the point of injury. 4. You pass out in a plant next to an American flag while wearing what...
  5. W

    Party Time - Management Lesson

    OFFICE Notice: All members of staff please note that there will be ONLY one drink per person at this year's Annual Party. And please bring your own cup! Regards, Management * * * *...
  6. C

    Ten Worst People You Meet At A House Party

    10. The "Inappropriate Music Guy"- This guy can take one of two forms, if there is a DJ he is the jackass requesting "November Rain" in the middle of a dance set. If the DJ doesn't comply he tends to get whiny as hell, and say things like "Come on man, nobody likes this crap, just play something...
  7. R

    BIRIYANI party....

    Have u ever been to such a party..??????????? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  8. D

    Bachelor party

    Dear fellow samster, My buddy is gonna get married soon. We are gonna organize a bachelor party. He has given me a 2.5k budget. I have in mind booking a hotel suite. And getting some wl to mingle and have fun with the soon to be groom. The thing is how to go about arranging the wls to go...
  9. P

    Party Crashers

    It was at a party and the host was getting worried because there were too many people and not enough refreshments. She was sure that not all of these people had been invited but didn't know how to tell which ones were the crashers. Then her husband got an idea.... He turned to the crowd of...
  10. C

    Millionare party guest

    A rich millionaire decides to throw a massive party for his fiftieth birthday, so during this party he grabs the mic and he announces to his guests that down in the garden of his mansion he has a swimming pool with two great white sharks in it. “I will give anything he desires of mine, to the...
  11. D


    Tom had been in the liquor business for 25 years. Finally sick of the stress he quits his job and buys 50 acres of land in Alaska as far from humanity as possible. He sees the postman once a week and gets groceries once a month. Otherwise it's total peace and quiet. After six months or so...
  12. K

    The Halloween Party

    A young couple was invited to a masked Halloween Party down at the local tavern. The wife got a terrible headache just before the party and told her husband to go to the party alone. He being a devoted husband protested, but she argued and said she was going to take some aspirin and go to bed...
  13. W

    99% of Massage Parlour in ruling party constituencies

    Hey brudders, Please read this The intention of the writer seem to demand a total wipe out of men's haven. :eek: Is there anywhere in this World without pleasure workers? :rolleyes: Anyway, GE is around the corner, so do think twice about visiting your favourite outlets the next few...
  14. J

    VIP Party In Puerto Rico!

    Our private party is to launch our new elite escorts service in Puerto Rico. It will be held in the month of November at a private location in San Juan. This is a invite only event and all reservations must be pre-booked. For invite please visit • Location: San Juan
  15. B

    AB babes' party.

    Hi Ladies. Hope your party goes well, with plenty of bubbly, etc.. Merry Christmas to you all... xxxxx
  16. M

    I'm coming !!! It's Party Time !!!

    Hi everyone, Well, it's that time of year again and before we know it Xmas will have come and gone for another year. This got me thinking about xmas parties and drinks with Reviewiends and as luck would have it I'll be in Brisbane next weekend (27th Nov). In fact so will that Funky man with the...
  17. M

    Party Time!

    And a great night was had by the assembled throng. George's better looking younger brother, Scouser, and my slightly older brother, Merlin, along with Funky, managed to chaperone the younger folk and keep them Reviewom the trouble we sought. Thanks for the invite. Sounds like plans are mpoot...
  18. B

    Mid-Year Party

    Watch this space... more details coming soon :wink:
  19. Pompal 09.

    Who watches Big Brother - office party people should watch!!

    Well, here is one for the books hey :shock: Was watching Big Brother when it first went on air last week. Anyway, there is a lady there called Michelle - and I knew I had seen her somewhere before (I am good with faces :wink: ) so did a bit of a search before and low and behold - she is known...
  20. B

    Post your Xmas party reviews here

    Considering the success of the party, I was expecting a flood of reviews, but not many attendees have posted as yet. TigerKane and I have posted mini reviews, but I think they should all be kept in the one!. Hope that's OK with you Nikki. Nikki and I have kissed and...
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