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Dulce Maria García Rivas (born September 20, 1982) is a Mexican luchadora enmascarada, or masked female professional wrestler, mixed martial artist and professional boxer who is better known by the ring name Sexy Star. She is best known for her work in Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (AAA), where she is a three-time AAA Reina de Reinas Champion, while also being a former one-time AAA World Mixed Tag Team Champion. She previously wrestled under the name Dulce Poly and held both the FILL Women's Championship and the FILL Mixed Tag Team Championship under that name. She worked for Lucha Underground, where she was a former Lucha Underground Champion and Gift of the Gods Champion. She is the first woman to win the Lucha Underground Championship and, by extension, the first woman to hold a World Heavyweight Championship in a major wrestling promotion.García has competed as a boxer since 2017, winning all five of her professional fights to date. She also won in her mixed martial arts debut for Combate Americas in 2019. She currently remains undefeated as a fighter for the company Combate Global before Combate Americas. García became the center of a controversy in August 2017 following a match at Triplemanía XXV, during which she legitimately injured Rosemary with a shoot armbar. This resulted in a backlash in the wrestling world, and was soon followed by her firing from AAA and stripping from the AAA Reina de Reinas title; several known wrestling figures also called for her to be blacklisted including Road Dogg & Cody Rhodes. She would not return to wrestling until joining Nación Lucha Libre in July 2019.

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