sexy time

"Sexy MF" is a song by American musician Prince and the New Power Generation, released as a single from their 1992 album Love Symbol. The music and most of the lyrics were composed by Prince, while Levi Seacer Jr. came up with the chorus and the song's title. Tony M. also delivers a rap, which he wrote. The song and its refrain "You sexy motherfucker" caused some controversy, and edited versions were produced for radio, the music video and the US version of the album. The song was recorded in Paisley Park's Studio A in December 1991.
"Sexy MF" was released as the first single from Love Symbol in June 1992. In the United Kingdom, the song's explicit lyrical content prompted Warner Bros. Records to issue "Sexy MF" as a double A-side with the more radio-friendly "Strollin'"; however, UK radio stations preferred airing the former track. Commercially, the double A-side reached number four on the UK Singles Chart while "Sexy MF" peaked at number 66 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and became a top-20 hit in Australia, New Zealand, and 12 European countries.

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