Saw Tessa today :-
- From the Review posted by fakes74112, most of them are correct
- Only ones that were different, she did not offer to provide CBJ (was looking forward to one), but she did like DATY with her sitting on my face..
- Had a little bit of communication gap (her English wasn't that good), so messed up some communication..
- Thought she was a clock watcher as our session ended with 10 min to spare (did mish, cowgirl) - but then she asked if I wanted round 2! If I had known that I would've told her to go easy

(again probably from communication gap)
- While doing cowgirl she was constantly looking at the screen, which was kind-of a turn off, would've liked a bit more GFE.
Overall meh (ok massage, ok FS).
PS: There was someone else who I saw and talked to on the way out back, she mentioned to call if I needed entrance from the back - She was absolutely gorgeous when I saw her with better lighting! A pity I didn't ask her name....From description it seems that it was Tiffany, about the right height and she does speak English well.