… wouldn’t waste 2 much time on this clown

PornPrince aka Ursus…
He suggests
Lush? Mebbe u dunno, but
they been outta biz
a long time… so I ask him who he saw… likely he’s scrambling 4 a name… says Kelly! Who quit Lush even b4 they closed!
:lol Kelly ain’t worked there in yrs! 🤡 Whatta faker u r! OMG! :rolf No what else ? 😯 Check the schedule quick! Who’s working @ Lush today, Ursus? R u actually institutionalized? Like yer locked up somewhere? Can’t get out? But she used to work there and suppose that I booked her during...
… I pointed out his deception 2 him, & he frantically tried 2 change the subject…
In short, he’s dissing eSpa, but nvr been there, he’s promoting Lush, which is caput, & girl he saw there left long time ago… likely he nvr saw her either.
Seems like he’s been locked

away somewhere along time
… does not merit the serious respectful response u gave… just a spiteful hate filled lil man

w no real knowledge of outside world.