Yesterdays/todays happenings were a tad different and I cannot review fully but, will give a little.
mpter I finally managed to get rid of Jess and the time was ripe for exploration I started a the op end of the street and had a Loop type experience in Fantasy, Cambodia girls were tight lipped, I did try there!!
Anyhoo…… onwards hit a few bars, lollipop, Valhalla and the like, intending to continue to Ugly Coyote where a certain damsel had caught my eye and stirred the groin.
So into DH for penultimate drink and was approached by a young lady I know if I was going in Atlantis mpterwards. Of course I was, last drink before Coyote so that was that really.
Got into Atlantis and my regular waitress said, not order drink, one already ordered for you Reviewom girl. Never happened to me before s Im a bit intrigued, a drink in there for a ‘regular’ girl is 60% of her days salary and even a superstar type will lose 40%.
So I parked my ar5e and clutched the SM light, and waited…….
Oh sh1te, it was MonaLisa and she looked somewhat good for a virgin!! Why you send me drink, I asked and she said ( she aint stupud), I want see you and know you will buy me one too so that will pay for yours!!!
I fecking luv it when they get practical, there was me thinking I was special!!!
Anyway, long story short, she left about 9 this morning to go to church and said she will not be working tonight so she will call me later. Which she has.. I cannot remember a night that was so passionate or romantic, really!!No more details!!!!
So an hour or so ago I decided to pop along to the DH restaurant for a bite and was just tucking in when Jess appeared looking somewhat miffed that I hadn’t called her last night. I am not sure but… I may have picked up a stalker!!
I have 17 missed calls Reviewom Ann last night, she obviously saw me leaving with ML, and I had said Id see her one night aagain.
The moral is.. stick to the 500p tip, they get luvvy anything over that!!!