Had great time at Alcatraz last night.
Like many have said, there are many women to choose from....
Take your time as there are many who should not be there... (not sure how they make a living, but I am sure each to their own)....rate from 3-4....
But there are the gems, 8-10... and not just the strippers...
Had great fun with 31yr old from Estonia, I thought she was maybe 25, looked fantasic... was not pushy for drinks, actually it was me who asked her if she wanted a drink, and then the price was same as my drink.....
Left with her and she said only for 1 1/2 hrs, but ended up "chatting" after for another hour.......great time.....even learned about some of her personal life...
I am sure she liked it, as I am a "pussy licker" and love the taste of pussy.. Can also always tell if she is faking when she comes
I didnt root her till she was sore, but just treated her like I wanted her to treat me, and had great gfe experience... At first she would not allow kissing, but after my pussy licking, well that changed...
Treat them right guys, and they will resiprocate

ok, its pay for fuck, but hey they are women.....
Still cant beleive she was 31!!!..