i was at aloha about 2:30 yesterday and just finished my visit with 1 of the girls, an unrememberable experience unfortunately but penny was busy, when the other girls started scrambling outside, getting dressed and apologizing "but you have to go". they were all in street clothes and checking all the rooms to ensure they were empty and the doors closed. thought it was a raid, but was assured it wasn't. seems as though someone's pocket is being lined and as a result let the spa know something was going down. back to good ol' dirty chicago politics - he who can pay the most gets to live a day longer. i'm just glad i got to visit penny twice over the weekend (but saddened I did not get my 3rd visit). i have heard that Smile's pocket lining is starting to fall on deaf ears so I for 1 am staying clear of the amps for a while as there is a new sheriff in town and im not sure how things are going to go down but i do not want to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.