I’ve discussed the law governing prostitution with Mexican attorneys. This is what I was told:
--There is no national law governing prostitution in Mexico, everything is a matter of state or municipal law.
--In Tijuana many prostitution related activities are illegal.
--In Tijuana prostitution in and of itself is not illegal.
--Prostitution is (usually) the act of a man paying a woman for sex.
In Tijuana prostitution in and of itself is not against the law--anywhere in TJ a man can pay a women for sex. However, in Tijuana the following are illegal:
--Public manifestation of prostitution is illegal.
--Pimping and pandering is illegal.
--Running a brothel is illegal.
--Corruption of minors is illegal.
--Public nudity/sex is illegal. (No nude sunbathing. Don’t do it in a car or the movies)
--Driving while embracing a passenger is illegal.
Remember I talking about TJ, not DF, Mexicali, etc. Other parts of Mexico have different laws.
“Public manifestation of prostitution” is very similar to solicitation in the US. Within the Zone of Tolerance that law isn’t enforced. So in Tijuana’s Zona Norte (a zone of tolerance) chicas wearing skimpy outfits can stand on the sidewalk soliciting customers. Men can walk up to a chica and offer her money for sex. Outside the ZN both activities could get people arrested as they are “public manifestation of prostitution.”
Example A:
A monger leaves a club on Revolucion with a stripper and they walk together down Revo to a hotel.
Example B:
A man meets a girl in Carl’s Jr. at 5th and Revolucion. They leave together and get in a cab that takes them to La Mansion.
One of the above examples is “public manifestation of prostitution” the other isn’t. I’ve posted about this before and learned that some guys have a hard time grasping the concept of “public manifestation of prostitution.” If you are one of them I suggest you confine your mongering to the Zona Norte.
Hint: The City of Tijuana want Av. Revolucion to be tourist friendly--that means they want "Johns and Janes" to stay out of the public view. Revo is one of the worst places in TJ to engage in "public manifestation of prostitution."
website for the Municipality of Tijuana states the fine for “activities related to prostitution” (public manifestation of prostitution) is about $45.00 to $135.00. Please note that the website says “activities related to prostitution,” not prostitution per se.