Here's a little short story...
Ever since XP Tongkat Ali being suspended for sales...Have to rely on MM's "Ancient JG Technique" to service me shotgun to maintain the performance.
17 Oct 2009 1900hr , Forget how many times RTM liao. Ding Dong...the bell at H81 still havent change. Took a quick peek and open the door. Ha...ha...ha..."Fei mui" i've shouted. Mun mun did put on some weight since her last visit. She walked in, squeeze my lil'bro (cause i called her "Fei Mui") and close the door.
Told her i heard about her wrist and...she keep complaining the amount of money she spend of "Tei Da", acupunture bla...bla..bla...And only got 3 new customers since her return.
Was thinking...I'm very tired Reviewom my oversea trip and now her wrist i asked her to keep the massage short or just enough to relieve some of my body pain and prolong the JG. So after 30-40 min of not so hard massage, MM proceed to JG....
NABE!!! Her JG tech improved that much! Apart of her special "Up and Down" as well as "Around the Dick Head" I'd taught her, she had created a new tech combining back massage technique to stimulate my balls together with the Groin massaging...How i wish i can strip her to her birthday suit at that moment but i paused. Another PRC is waiting me at 2130hr
17 Oct 2009 2100hr , After a 1.5hr "you ai you heng" (cos cannot touch) JG session, I feel my lil'bro fully charged for the 2130hr sexxion. Paid her the usual amount and went downstairs coffee shop for a hot drink as well as choosing Reviewom variety of CD at Cheers.
17 Oct 2009 2130hr , get a room and they gave me the same room with mattress and towel changed as well as room cleaned. Time to make myself tired again.
Previous Stats i posted
Name: 雯雯 Mun Mun
Real Name: I know liao...not telling u
Age: 27 )
Height: 150+ cm
Look: Ella 阿姨
Weight: 48 - 52
Body: Slight chubby
Boobs: B
Skin: Very Smooth
Communication: Very very chatty
Massage: 7/10
JG/HJ : 8/10
GFE: 9/10
Recent Stats
Name: 雯雯 Mun Mun
Real Name: FeiMui 肥妹
Age: 27
Height: 150+ cm
Look: Ella 阿姨
Weight: 50 - 55 (level up)
Body: Not just Slight chubby
Boobs: B
Skin: Very Smooth
Communication: "Chiao Ge" very talkative (level up)
Massage: 7/10
JG/HJ : 9.5/10 (level up)
GFE: 10/10 (too familiar liao)
RTM: Use my shotgun few more time b4 servicing