Comrades, our bodies are always in a state of change throughout our lifetime. We need to know our own bodies better than any doctor. Not saying tests are useless, but ultimately personal effort is required. Not saying that previous disease and illnesses cannot have an impact. But when it comes to improving ones cardiovascular profile, and giving oneself a tune up, the responsibility is our own. The aim should be a life long tune up. Beginning with whatever shape one is in, very bad to excellent, we can always do better, slow and continuous improvements. Better eating habits too. Don't aim for 3 months, aim for 10 years, with markers every 3 months. Move more. Walk more, Cycle. Hike. If you are a runner, keep running. Use the automobile less. And if you have never been a runner, don't start jogging on sidewalks.. it only damages the joints. Look for unpaved pathways. Got to get stronger slowly, regardless of how strong or weak you are at present. Weights, for aging men, squats and deadlifts will naturally shift our hormonal profile over time. But go slow, incremental increases over months and years. Initial squats may be with no added weights if you have never done them before. I can attest to the fact that with heavy squats and deadlifts, maintaining strong wood is possible through all ages, when twinned with a good cardiovascular program.
The Tarahumara runners have been written about often. Many of them improve with age, not plateauing till their 80's. A glimpse of our true potential. To make stronger wood, we need to ditch the desire to live the easier life. God help those young fellas riding e-bikes and e-scooters
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