Known Reviewer
Yea I came to drop reviews. Put some sense into this forums.
Bbfs escorts and thinks he’s a player you and Krayje are the biggest losers on this Forum
yes escort dumps from 2 months ago. I don’t see Escorts.
The civie girls I see wouldn’t even look at a peasant like you or acknowledge you even as a human. You’re a peasant around my circle
I won’t even address the last line, because I’m not part of the community, slip in and slide out. I handle rejection greatly. I move on to better and finer things, which you can’t reach or get. Don’t let that go over your head. Escorts cater to the average joe shmoe with paystubs like you.
My girls cater to bosses, ya bozo.
youre even muted not sure why I got notifications
I'm way too busy with hot civies lining up to suck my dick to be here on this website with all you peasant losers who actually pay for pussy.
Playa like me just spending my millions and enjoying the finer things in life... that's why I post incessantly about the same hookers over and over again with absolutely massive, deranged posts containing a zillion screen shots of random texts and reviews and neurotic commentary that make no fucking sense to anyone...
Here is a fun game! See if you can differentiate between "The Watcher" and "TorontoEscortExposer", two supposedly different people, as he pathetically rants in post after post after post about Florence Yi, just one of the many escorts he is clearly totally obsessed with. Talk about living rent free in someone's head!
Photoshop Queen Florence is laughing stock of Toronto, not just the sexworker community. Her own friends laugh at her but they have to support her because they pity her as shes a flunk and failure.
Like she brings shame to her parents too but they do know she’s a hoe and have to manage/accept her. Bitch is a reject and narcissist herself.
She’s on the hunt for a / goof to pickup her Luxurious life tab
If this witch paid me, for my time and to fuck her. I have the dignity to reject her. And the options.
She bangs the old Chinese men that I bang their daughters here. FairXchange if you ask me. Still way over the hill. She hit the deck. It's over. A well known THOT plastered all over the city wants love.
That's why she face revealed that atrocity and is advertising aggressively on international escort sites but my foot will be up her ass all her life.
Yea her feet are super fugly. I can see why she face revealed that atrocity. Once their escort income drops and competition is their, they have to face reveal. Shes a $100 dollar hoe. Her wall pictures are from IKEA. Slapped on a Chanel banner on her Twitter profile to act classy.It’s getting worse and worse for her by the day. With lockdown after lockdown she isn’t able to freestyle Bay street and the hotel lobbies for her next victim. 14 years man. Holy shit.
Agency to 5 star hotel living. Big dreams!
Beer money champagne dreams
She isn't Canadian born either, scheming the old daddies out west on sexual performance drugs lol they are well over 60+ and get limpy.
People like her are the biggest fraudsters and flithbags with agendas.
I hope someone loves her though, she looks like she needs it. I hope you find Love Florence.
She’ll rinse your pockets. She’s a walking liability, just like her clique.
Once you maintain a certain lifestyle its hard to downgrade. So you need someone to sustain it for you.
No rich man will take out an aggressive looking tramp decaying. Not even Canadian born, Japanese women are way prettier and don’t age bad. lol But her mama is pushing hard.
Wouldn’t be surprised if her mother was a trollop divorcee or scammer herself. Or even an escort/SWer once
This is what happens. You get the best example and that’s Florence yi Over the wall, desperate and lost. Once a drug dealer peddles, it’s forever. Fast money. Same shit.
No ones seeing over the hill Florence expect from her old flames lol Shes done done. The rates back to 500 now.
She’s looking for a Porsche lol sucha fraud and delirious
Dignity is being able to reject women and reject sex. Yes. But I don’t expect that from no dignity having rodents.
Not going to expect morals from immoralless women am I. Is miserable florence asking you to come talk here?
Also they’ve went offline and made some reviews so it’s only right we expose these rodents.
I'm an understanding individual. Immigrant child, 14 years escorting, failed multiple attempts at marriage, hated in the community, straight scavenger. I mean, I can understand why its so rough for her. It’s hard out here and she just projects her misery and hatred. Just look at that face.
Holy fuck you seriously need help! Just add up the collective post counts from all your different handles you're a complete loser by your own stupid criterion!

(If an OP/writer has over 100 posts/comments. Just know he is a lost individual in real life) real hobbyists don’t even comment ya asshat