I really do wish all you fellows would stop your petty squabbling. Rusty has written something that on the surface may seem like silly nonsense but is actually warning of the dangers in using far too much fabric softener. I mean, really, who needs a 50 lb economy size bottle of Fleecy? Personally, I find that a little goes a long way and I make do with the far less heavy 1.5 litre size. Not only does this last me for a good six months, based on 2 loads of laundry per week, but I don't have the expense of hiring some big built blonde guy to lug it around for me. With the money I save on not employing some Herculean stud named Lars, I can afford to visit IT several more times a week. Granted, their towels ARE a lot softer than my towels at home but that is a luxury I'm willing to forego in favour of spending more time devoted to this hobby. Rusty understands this - that's why he refuses to buy Fleecy altogether, prefering instead to dry himself off with towels as dry and crusty as old burlap. Sure, his skin is red and raw as a result but that's why he's known as "Rusty".