Known Reviewer
lol you Fkn simp. “I got your back Jen” omfg. Dude do yourself a favour and jump off a cliff
. To think there are simps on here at your level is beyond me. Jeez!!!!! Fkn guy thinks hoes are classy. You gotta be the biggest loser on here. Seriously what have you contributed? Other than being a complete simp moron? Hey Jen I got your back LOLOLOLOLOLOL Fkn looooosserrrr! 

Awwww little man getting all mad lmfao
You clearly can't take it. Spouting shit, looking like an angry loser who has nothing to say.
Talk about who's mom raised who? Omfg that's hilarious. You are clearly a very simple minded moron. Loud and clear. You can't even follow along this threadyour first sentence shows that you idiot. And you talk a lot about fags. Seems you have some unresolved feelings you need to get out. Craving some are ya?
Nothing wrong with supporting an honest sex worker. Something wrong with supporting lieing, stealing hoes though isn't there pal?
Keep screaming, shows you have nothing. Call me a fag, shows what you really want
You're a dumb fuck and you're showing everyone and I love itKeep it up loser