I'm a realist. I don't deny I have a big ego. It goes well with my big intellect, big opinions, and big bank account and I like it just fine. I also have a very low threshold for bullshit, so I call when I see it, like I did in this thread. In simple terms: I'm frankly fed up of the CG Circus and the attention whoring that seems to go along with it on all boards. Using Ignore Button? Fuckin' A' - Done deal.
In terms of your posting, you haven't posted anything, but you can be sure we'll all be waiting breathlessly for that miracle of days when you finally do get your bearings and amaze us all with your voluminous insights and reviews.
My POV may not be the only one, but I'm pretty damn sure there are lots of less outgoing members here and on other forums who share it privately, but are too intimidated to call out. Fact is, I'm not a guy who can be intimidated, so there it is. Time will tell, but as I said before, long term thinking about the nature and success of this board won't be based solely on volume of members, but on the tempo and tone the administrators set, as well as the leeway they extend to some of the characters on here, me included. The other board is a clear example of putting up with shit longer than was necessary before taking action. With such a fresh and crisp example staring them in the face, will be interesting to see how far the CG Circus is allowed to continue...