Hi there Driv . . .
I have never gone ST with a TG, so I can only congratulate you on your fortuntate experience. I have preferred to develop some kind of rappore or at least an interest other than lust, with the lady I am going to stick my alta-ego into, even over an eight hour period, as opposed to two hours.
This is why, if she shows some interest and is, at least mildly enthusiastic, in our antics on the first night, quite often I will ask her what she thinks about staying on for a few more days.
If she is quite happy to do so, I have also, often encountered situations where she will tell the Bar she is at, that she is taking 1 week holiday. . . No more Bar Fines !
Also, and maybe most importantly, over a four or five day/night period, instead of paying the standard per night rate, I have ended up paying a lot less on a per-night basis, and also had the odd freebee night thrown-in.