So I decide to visit imperial, but the one north of Finch,+toronto,+ontario&ie=UTF8&gl=ca&ei=DzjrStiYE8bSlAe29-X_BA&ved=0CBUQ8gEwAA&hq=&hnear=5885+Bathurst+St,+Toronto,+Toronto+Division,+Ontario&ll=43.77929,-79.444349&spn=0.008738,0.01929&z=16&iwloc=r0&layer=c&cbll=43.779566,-79.444429&panoid=8RLS7bmFW9gQtCUE5bmGbA&cbp=12,77.15,,1,0.57 , everything is standard, RMT type of massage which was very good, nothing erotic or sensual about it except that she kept slapping my butt when we were laughing. After the flip, Amy, asked me where else needed a massage and we both knew theres only one place left. Anyhow, out of the blue she asks me if I want a blowjob , completely taken by suprise, I nodded up and down while lying down if that was physically possible.
Well, her interpretation of a BLOW JOB is to be 3 - 4 inches away and actually blow air onto jr. All in all, I got a great massage with a unspectacular, but acceptable finish.
One thing I like about this place is that they are not pushy with the upsell. Like at Lucy's place, just closed my eyes with my hands behind my head and let my imagination run wild.
Will repeat if I need a good hard massage.