Known Reviewer
STI's and rest of sexual diseases were nothing new. Unlike COVID-19, it was only discovered recently. Take note, I did not put a date. It could have been around for sometime and were undetected. It has too many unknowns. STI's on the other hand, majority of people and especially hobbyist know the risks involved. Damn...Mankind have been hobbying for centuries. Do you think they will stop because of STI's? When AIDS came full blown in the 80's, people were scared. But, 40 years later....Look at us! And, you are asking about AIDS?
COVID-19 did halt lots of hobbyist back in March, especially when lock down was declared. Quite a few did lurk around to continue, but majority like most of us were in a state of shock! Was it the end? Five months later, we see improvements. I do not know the statistics, but for sure some are still hesitant. It is why "hygiene" has become one of the concerns. It is because we were told to wash our hands all the time! Enlighten much...I hope so...
You're wasting your time. He's not going to hear you from up there on his perch.