Conspicuous that you saw me a few times, in that case? I've always considered the definition of stupidity to repeat the same actions expecting different results.
Men of limited imagination generally can't wrap their heads around the notion of things greater than themselves....
Clearly it never occured to you that the reason why your multiple-visits to see me at B&S were unsatifying to you was that YOU were the problem; and that the reason so many others have constantly complimented me and my performance at that spa, as well as at HFH after that, is that they treated me like a true lady - and in so doing, got treated as an honoured guest.
My clientelle are now seeing me in my own private practice, where I am the sole authority over how I choose to honour my guests and it is reciprocal to the degree of gentlemanliness and respectfulness with which I am treated.
Good luck, Erasus, and I hope you find what you're looking for elsewhere, for both our sakes!