Bianca still TDL list 4 me…
… Ive seen her in the hallway…. Damn MCOT!
… BUT SHE’S BEEN BOOKED SOLID whenever I tried 2c her… & Im not the dude who hangs around 4 hrs… POF
I liked my chances one day… Lucy called her in early, crazy busy day… so I figured Id grab her when she came in…

bad news, her 2pm apptmnt changed up2 noon when she told him…

… long story short, she grabbed a guy waiting long time then filled up her sched… her loss, eh? She coulda had my jizz, but no...
Her hard msg

= legendary… I think bcuz shes so slightly built, clients get surprised… Im sure Lucy & Jennifer can go just as hard, but its less surprising…
… lets say u wanna tittyfuck? Run away! Run

far away! Nuthin there but a few grapes

Now I have no prblm w this… it really turns me eating bite sized tits… something about feeling whole tits responding in my mouth, gr8 feeling… but if yer not into skinny gals w small tits, giver a pass … shes a bit too tall 2b a true spinner, but … well, Im pretty tall, I could spin ‘er…
She’s reluctant 2go full nude, so u either gotta have gd connectn, multiple repeats, or mebbe overtipping allot might prove yer sincerity… so when it comes 2 msg, shes among the best… xxxtras, u most likely get only the grapes 2go w yer handy… fine

by me ofc, in fact I like’m better than tons of chest blubber, so if u like’m bite sized with pretty face, she’s a super option.
Make apptmnt tho. Shes hard 2get as walkin, even when yer a cyclist

friend of spa mgr…