I liked this place, not only for the great, quickie BBBJCIM experience but for the fact it sends you on a scavenger hunt to find it, walking down back alleys past dripping faucets, strange street smells, and scenes that are reminiscent of Harrison Ford's Bladerunner world. It is waaaay off the main street, buried in the bowels of neighborhood and up a flight of stairs. Funky. Other-wordly. Wouldn't have missed it for the world and I commend it to others.
My contribution to the forum is the perfection of walking instructions and I have posted my JPGs of "approach shots" so that you'll get there straightaway. Although I visited there first at night, in fog and light rain, I later came back in bright daylight to get these shots.
Start with the 2005 Shanghai Tourist map, available at every hotel concierge desk. Find coordinate sector J6 (see JPG scan below), and go to the very lower left corner to locate the intersection of Hefei Rd (which travels east-west) and Huangpi Rd (north-south). The Factory is found about 80 meters south of the intersection on the west side of the road, down an alley, 'round a corner, down another alley, up a flight of stairs .. and there you are. Other posters list a street address of 688-691, but I found those numbers utterly useless. Follow these instructions and you'll get there perfectly without numbers that don't seem to be even posted anywhere.
A typical walking approach might have you starting from Central Huaihai Road to Huangpi Road, and turn south. Five blocks later you're at the cross street of Hefei Road. Stay on the right side (west side) of Huangpi as you're walking and note the big blue-and-white Shanghai Glass Company building. Just beyond that, on its south side, is an alley way with perhaps a truck or car parked there, and immediately beyond that is the covered alleyway that starts your journey into Bladerunner world. There are the strings of lights described by others. Walk to the end of this first alley and DO NOT go up the first set of stairs to your right; they are NOT part of the Factory entrance. Instead snake left a little and about 5 meters later the covered alley takes a left 90 degree turn and continues for another 25 meters to a stairway. And THIS stairway is one you walk up. (Other posters described a turnstile in here, but as you can see from the JPGs I found no such thing. It might have been removed for repairs but for my experience it was an unimpeded walk.)
At the top of the stairs you'll see a window facing you; this is so their young male guard-boy can monitor who's approaching. No worries. At the landing at the top of the stairs pivot left, step through the door, pivot right and you're inside their foyer.
To your right will be a desk where the guard-boy sits listlessly watching a Chinese soap opera. (He didn't look like much of an intimidating presence or capable of warding off more than an angry housewife, but what the hell? I've underestimated small Chinese men before [!] and he seemed to be company for the girls off duty.) The condition of the building and fixtures can only be described as decrepit! If you're looking for the European brothel opulence experience this isn't it! Much of the peeling floor linoleum had been torn off, revealing the shabby plywood subfloor beneath. The couch was torn, tilting, and fit for a landfill. The whole building cried out for general demolition. But as I said, when you decide to enter Bladerunner world you'll find a certain charm in the fact it may be decrepit, but it seems to have been scrubbed about as much as humanly possible.
The foyer is no more than 7 meters by 9 meters; at your 11 o'clock position is a worn couch for waiting; and at your left is an open door to a hallway. No need to wait: just nod to the guard-boy, walk to the left through the door to the hallway (which goes left and right), pivot right and 2 meters later you're standing in the girls' waiting area. For reference, if you're standing in the doorway of their waiting area, directly behind you is the hallway which leads back to their cubicle "factory" floor.
I spoke no Chinese and none of the girls spoke any English. There were just 3 girls but they were dressed in lingerie teddies and were probably 18 or 19 years old. They wore pleasant, non-slutty makeup -- which was a surprise. They were surprisingly pretty: I'd say a 6, 8, and 9. Smiling is all that was necessary to establish my bona fides and I gestured to the "9". To make sure we were agreeing on the right thing she held her right hand in front of her sternum, opened her mouth slightly and pointed to it with her in index finger to confirm the Factory does only BJ and not FS. I nodded and smiled, she stepped forward and took my hand and pulled me back down the hallway about 10 meters, then a right turn and another 5 meters, getting darker all the time, then another right turn into a VERY dark cubicle area. (If you need a better description you'll have to rely on others much younger whose night vision adapts more quickly than a man in his 60s!)
I perceived that there were many cubicles in the darkness: perhaps as many as 10 or 12. She lead me to one. I had to feel around that it was a softly padded lounge chair. She left and returned with an ashtray, some some small towel baby-wipes, and a glass of warm water. She kept cooing things in a soothing Chinese, and although I didn't know the words I could feel their meaning. She pulled down my pants, cleaned my cock and balls, cleaned the fingers of my right hand, and patted me on the chest. Then she pulled down her panties, slipped her bra off, and went to work.
Alright, it was a "factory" job. Immediately, intensesly fast. Not what I (or any other male) really likes, but what I contracted for. She made a lot of mechanical sucking noises and groans. I was able to feel her ass and pussy, and then her tits. Her tits were perfect and they wer what pushed me over the edge. I told her to slow down -- and we exchanged some incomprehensible expressions but she figured out from the speed of my words, and me from her gestures, that the price was going up a little. And back to work she went and all in all the cum was a good one. She definitely "held on" for at least :20 seconds afterwards.
Then she noisily spit into the ashtray -- which has GOT to be a Chinese thing -- and set about cleaning me up, gently and a nice part of the experience. I caught my breath for perhaps :03 minutes and was not rushed, although that might have been an age-deferrence thing with her and because no one else was waiting. When I was ready I got up, peeled off 200 RMB and handed them to her. She pointed to a third 100 RMB note and pouted, but I declined and that was that. Previous posters suggested the rate for those capable of negotiating in Chinese is 130 RMB for locals, 150 RMB often times, and 170 RMB for some foreigners, and an unspecified increase in the fee if you wanted to go slow and take your time; so at 200 RMB I didn't feel taken advaneforum.xxxe of. She lead me out to the couch, chattered something that was certainly a pleasant good-bye, and I was done. Down the stairs, out the alleys, and back on the street. I did not get a business card to scan and post because .. I did not think of it. If anyone else visits and can find such a card it might be a valuable addition to the shared knowledge of this forum.
One last thought. If you're visiting in daylight and you'd like a beer or soft-drink, you might want to know that there's a convenience mart about 100 meters south of the Factory on the right hand (west) side of Huangpi Lu. I stopped in there first, bought a large Coke for 2.5 RMB, and recharged and rehydrated before heading in. They have beer, too.
Hope this helps, and if there's anything else I might have missed that you'd find helpful please post and I'll try to get back to you. If I can just arrange more frequent consulting work in Shanghai, I'll even try to do more "research" for you.
See the next post for the second series of 5 JPGs, too, which when taken together layout how you get there. Note that on the first JPG (map) I erroneously describe the location in the legend as being on the right side of the map sector, when it is obviously on the LEFT side of the sector. So maybe I'll correct that error the next time I go, too