It sounds like you had the exact experience with Jennifer as I had. She loves to practice her English and does a good, legitimate massage, no more.
Expo Joe:
Speaking of sleazy internet massageplanetes, next time we are together I shall take you to the other place I go. There is the hottest little lady I have seen, looks like one of the many cuties you might find at SL, only better. Yes, she is better looking than Helen (IMHO), and that is not easy. And, she knows her way around the computer. I saw her and decided to act computer illiterate and she was very willing to come to my rescue.
Would I be out of line here to suggest that some of our illiterates go to their high school counselors and ask about a course in Remedial Reading?
As I suggested to you elsewhere, go north (not south) of 64th to Big Feet, book an appointment with Jady for 90 minutes (45 dollars), plus tip. I can not believe how good I feel even on the second day after I saw her. I know I will be back to see her again. But, beware, do not ask for the hard massage.