i personally feel to them of us is just a transaction, ever if they say have feeling or love us , is just a way to get money or thing Reviewom us. We should not behave but letting our feeling to go on. ( Our MP Mr Goh say success is Reviewom EQ and not Reviewom IQ)
All of us also know that they are here to make money or cheat money i should say. But i think we should consider before to spend all this hard earn money that we having now. Remember , we are really not all those robert or i should say they might be having lower EQ. haha.
When i heard my Reviewiend told us that he give money or buying thing to them again and again, i know he has lost control . Ever he told me that she allow him to fuck her without cap , i really feel that is still not value . Bro here , if you just want the fucking her feeling , just pay her and go. if you are talking about feeling , i got to ask you how much money you have. and the end you will get hurt and broke.