The bes way to find cuties is by buying local paper Inzert-Express (16 CZK). Usually there are 3 big pages full of ads with photos. You will find out gilr's age + service description + photo (90% genuine

+ phone number - all in Czech only. The only problem is the most of girls do not speak fluently Englis/German :-( It's better let someone who speaks czech makes the call for you.
The girls are in private appartments all around the town. They tell you the exact address and you call again when you are at the door. The girl will open the door for you and takes you to the appartment. Usualy there is 2-3 girls and you can choose one of them. If you don't see what promissed in the newspaper then just go away. The same if you don't like the attitude...
She'll take you to the room, you tell her what you want and pay, she will disappear with your money

and soon comes back. You take a shower and there we go. They meassure the time as soon as you get out of the shower and the action begins. So do not let the girl dance for you or something....
As for safety - never heard of problems here. Of course, do not take too much cash with you (btw. do not flash the cash anyway). Sometimes the shower is in the different room (accross the hall) - in that case I take my trouses with me to the shower room. I want to watch my pockets all the time

Some newspaper ads will take you to the regular night-club. The diference is that the club price for the same service is 2-3x higher than the price discussed thru the phone. You also do not pay the entry club fee (200-400 CZK) and expensive drinks for ladies. The advantage is that you can choose from more girls (usually more than 5) - you see them sitting at the bar or dancing at stage.
I am a local guy. I usually pay 1,000 CZK for half an hour BJ+fuck with condom (allways!!). Some girls do BJ without a rubber for additional 300 CZK (it also depends if she likes you)
1 hour is usually 1,500 CZK.
As of May-2008 the exchange rate is 1$=16 CZK, 1 EUR=25 CZK (it's not what it used to be anymore... czech crown is "strong" these days :-(()
And now the girls... as you can see on the photos, you will find some real beauties here. For me - Czech girls are the most beutifull in the world (together with Slovakians). I have been abroad for a decade... now I am happy I'm home again

Girls in Prague can be found in ads/newspaper called "Annonce". It works the same way.
Let me know if you need some help finding girls here.