KingTijuanero wrote:
NO I never heard that term referring to pochos. I heard it from Sampson and figured he was mistaken? So I checked into that word with a few BGs, and they never heard of it. Finally, this shoeshine dude, older gang banger( Southsider) with tattoos all over his body told me Plasticos, is just another word for Pochos used by some people in Tijuana, and some other guy on another site, said some SG freaked out on him once and called him a pinche plastico!
It must just be some regional term used mainly in Tijuana, because of all the pochos. That's why I was asking if anyone else who lives in Mexico ever hear of that term?
I don't think there is deep seated hatred again Mexican-Americans in Tijuana except maybe by the local gang-bangers who live in TJ, and only because they like to fight, and like dogs they don't like other gang-bangers moving into their territory. The quote the Mexican cop told KingTijuanero, more or less sums up their feelings towards pochos when the cop said, "You pochos think you are all that ,you think you guys are better than us. You guys come to Tijuana and think you can do what you want." I would say, it's only a little bit of animosity, and a lack of respect on both sides, but they could take or leave pochos, and really don't give them a second thought and will only rag on them when they are around.
Because if you think their is deep seated hate towards Pochos, the hate would be double towards gringos, because as must as they might hate pochos, they would hate gringos twice as much! And I don't think that's the case with the majority of them, as they see they have money and make good customers, and even tip.......if anything they tolerate gringos rather well. If you ever sit with a chica and ask her what she thinks of a certain group, she'll usually say, she dislikes just about everybody, including other Mexicans, but that doesn't stop her from having fun with just about everybody.