The anticipation must have been killing some of you! Thank you for your patience all.
Thank you to the following:
Diamonds management and their staff.
Great thanks to Stoo the DJ, he had as much fun as we did!
Special thanks to muse, mirage, sassy angels, dreammakers, tristan's angels, garden of eden, fyrestarter, jordan james, carolina, latika (better late than never), alanna johnson, supergirl lainy, adriana, nikki, roxypowers, the lovely dancers, who welcomed the festivals. It was fun watching all the ladies from everywhere interacting together
It certainly made my bottle pop
Very special thanks to Roxi and Sasha from Muse, who arranged an all ladies dance show! Dancers, SPs, MPAs, shakin what their momma's gave em! Roxi & Sasha this is for you: Let's get it started!
Best Breasts Contest, and let me say they were all incredible, but I can tell you from personal experience that they should have water running down them because we could call them mountain dew! Roxi's favourite song When I grow up, I wanna have hips, I wanna have tits, and want HOF to come muse and see me, so becareful for what you wish for (Roxi cuz you are definitely gonna get it
Best Ass Shaking "Claudia Sassy Angels) Shake that ass! Claudia, I'm gonna rock that ass!
Then all of the ladies were dancing on the stage and it was time for some dirty duo action!
All you ladies were hot stuff!
I was thinking about it all night! Think about that
Jordan & Carolina, I want your HAHAHA HAHAHA! You are the dirty duo! Hahaha
I'm sure that many of the lovely ladies where feeling alittle like Ke$ha today!
One for the ladies because you are all so damn sexy!
Winners contact contact the agency, spa or indy, they will have the list of the winners as well, and I hope that you'll enjoy.
MUSE( Gratuity not included)
1x5 session: Trump
1 muse mixer WOP
1 muse mixer I love pork chops
1 muse mixer A14
STUDIO 409 (Gratuity not included)
1hr door fee Thundercat
1hr door fee 2126
1hr door fee Doubledown
1hr door fee Chef
1hr door fee 1hrny
1 free hour Senor Gomes
1hr @1/2 price incall Fashion Boy
1 hour @1/2 price Chef
1 hour @1/2 price DOMME S67289
1 hr @150 Ned Nobody
1 hr @150 Slocumheat
1 hr @ 150 Detective
1 hr @ 150 Elassiwipo1
1 hr duo @400 Tank’s Little Brother
½ hr @90 Hellfire
½ hr @90 Hawk
½ hr @90 Naughtyboy
½ hr @90 A14
½ hr free Knight Rider
½ hr free Justlookingaround
1 hr free Blank Dave
1 hr free Hawk
1 hr free Maverick
1hr free Sand on the breeze
½ hr free Muckin
1 100 off Sentry
1 100 off 1hrny
1 100 off Cunning Lingquist
1 100 off TheMaxas
1 100 off King
1 50 off Dreamblade
1 50 off Madmax
1 50 off Ned Nobody
1 50 off Elassowipo1
1 50 off Quantor
1 50 off Detective
1 50 off Esquire
1 50 off Hellfire
1 50 off Par4thecourse
1 ½ hr free Scotty
1 ½ hr free Banana Boi
1 ½ hr free Par4thecourse
1 free hr Brocklee
1 50.00 discount on ½ hr Blank Dave
MYSTIQUE (outcall only)
1 free outcall Sting
TRISTANS ANGELS (outcall only)
Free hour Cunninglinguist
Free hour Backwoods
100 off Knight Rider
100 off Slackers
100 off EscortsXXX
80 off The Tank
80 off Tank’s Little Brother
80 off HOF
1 free hr The Tank
1 100 off “3”
1 100 off Quantor
1 100 off GoJays
1 100 off A14
1 100 off Doubledown
1 100 off it’s me
1 100 off OrangeFanta
1 100 off Roi
1 100 off Oagre
1 100 off Esquire
1 50 off Thundercat
1 50 off Muckin
1 50 off Sand on the breeze
1 50 off Brocklee
1 50 off Banana Boi
1 50 off Scotty
1 50 off Justlookingaround
1 50 off Go Jays
1 50 off Madmax
1 50 off Dreamblade
Just before signing off, if you attended and didn't get a prize, it's more likely that you didn't fill out ballot. We had a greeter at the door sending party goers to the ballot box-name tag area. If you don't attend (for whatever reasons) you can't win. There were just over 50 ballots and I'm certain there were 75 members there, but we understand that not everyone is interested in the prizes and that's fine. Our DJ Stoo, did make an announcement for last call to get your name on a ballot. Additionally, the prizes were picked by numerous ladies, bar staff and massageplanet party goers.
On behalf of dreamblade, slackers, massageplanet and myself, I hope everyone enjoyed the party. Hopefully a mid-winter, Beach, Hawaian, Valentines, Anti-valentines or Superbowl party!
Thanks everyone for the chats, words, pms, I had great time seeing people enjoying themselves. It's nice community we have here!
Wasn't that a party!
Thank you to the following:
Diamonds management and their staff.
Great thanks to Stoo the DJ, he had as much fun as we did!
Special thanks to muse, mirage, sassy angels, dreammakers, tristan's angels, garden of eden, fyrestarter, jordan james, carolina, latika (better late than never), alanna johnson, supergirl lainy, adriana, nikki, roxypowers, the lovely dancers, who welcomed the festivals. It was fun watching all the ladies from everywhere interacting together
Very special thanks to Roxi and Sasha from Muse, who arranged an all ladies dance show! Dancers, SPs, MPAs, shakin what their momma's gave em! Roxi & Sasha this is for you: Let's get it started!
Best Breasts Contest, and let me say they were all incredible, but I can tell you from personal experience that they should have water running down them because we could call them mountain dew! Roxi's favourite song When I grow up, I wanna have hips, I wanna have tits, and want HOF to come muse and see me, so becareful for what you wish for (Roxi cuz you are definitely gonna get it

Best Ass Shaking "Claudia Sassy Angels) Shake that ass! Claudia, I'm gonna rock that ass!
Then all of the ladies were dancing on the stage and it was time for some dirty duo action!
All you ladies were hot stuff!
I was thinking about it all night! Think about that
Jordan & Carolina, I want your HAHAHA HAHAHA! You are the dirty duo! Hahaha
I'm sure that many of the lovely ladies where feeling alittle like Ke$ha today!
One for the ladies because you are all so damn sexy!
Winners contact contact the agency, spa or indy, they will have the list of the winners as well, and I hope that you'll enjoy.
MUSE( Gratuity not included)
1x5 session: Trump
1 muse mixer WOP
1 muse mixer I love pork chops
1 muse mixer A14
STUDIO 409 (Gratuity not included)
1hr door fee Thundercat
1hr door fee 2126
1hr door fee Doubledown
1hr door fee Chef
1hr door fee 1hrny
1 free hour Senor Gomes
1hr @1/2 price incall Fashion Boy
1 hour @1/2 price Chef
1 hour @1/2 price DOMME S67289
1 hr @150 Ned Nobody
1 hr @150 Slocumheat
1 hr @ 150 Detective
1 hr @ 150 Elassiwipo1
1 hr duo @400 Tank’s Little Brother
½ hr @90 Hellfire
½ hr @90 Hawk
½ hr @90 Naughtyboy
½ hr @90 A14
½ hr free Knight Rider
½ hr free Justlookingaround
1 hr free Blank Dave
1 hr free Hawk
1 hr free Maverick
1hr free Sand on the breeze
½ hr free Muckin
1 100 off Sentry
1 100 off 1hrny
1 100 off Cunning Lingquist
1 100 off TheMaxas
1 100 off King
1 50 off Dreamblade
1 50 off Madmax
1 50 off Ned Nobody
1 50 off Elassowipo1
1 50 off Quantor
1 50 off Detective
1 50 off Esquire
1 50 off Hellfire
1 50 off Par4thecourse
1 ½ hr free Scotty
1 ½ hr free Banana Boi
1 ½ hr free Par4thecourse
1 free hr Brocklee
1 50.00 discount on ½ hr Blank Dave
MYSTIQUE (outcall only)
1 free outcall Sting
TRISTANS ANGELS (outcall only)
Free hour Cunninglinguist
Free hour Backwoods
100 off Knight Rider
100 off Slackers
100 off EscortsXXX
80 off The Tank
80 off Tank’s Little Brother
80 off HOF
1 free hr The Tank
1 100 off “3”
1 100 off Quantor
1 100 off GoJays
1 100 off A14
1 100 off Doubledown
1 100 off it’s me
1 100 off OrangeFanta
1 100 off Roi
1 100 off Oagre
1 100 off Esquire
1 50 off Thundercat
1 50 off Muckin
1 50 off Sand on the breeze
1 50 off Brocklee
1 50 off Banana Boi
1 50 off Scotty
1 50 off Justlookingaround
1 50 off Go Jays
1 50 off Madmax
1 50 off Dreamblade
Just before signing off, if you attended and didn't get a prize, it's more likely that you didn't fill out ballot. We had a greeter at the door sending party goers to the ballot box-name tag area. If you don't attend (for whatever reasons) you can't win. There were just over 50 ballots and I'm certain there were 75 members there, but we understand that not everyone is interested in the prizes and that's fine. Our DJ Stoo, did make an announcement for last call to get your name on a ballot. Additionally, the prizes were picked by numerous ladies, bar staff and massageplanet party goers.
On behalf of dreamblade, slackers, massageplanet and myself, I hope everyone enjoyed the party. Hopefully a mid-winter, Beach, Hawaian, Valentines, Anti-valentines or Superbowl party!
Thanks everyone for the chats, words, pms, I had great time seeing people enjoying themselves. It's nice community we have here!
Wasn't that a party!