Tim Belizaire

Cape Coral police have arrested individuals at three massage parlors, suspecting activities beyond advertised services.
The investigation is ongoing, with prostitution being a significant concern.
Su Tongfeng, an employee at Palm Tree Massage, was arrested on Tuesday. She denied providing any sexual services when confronted by police.
The arrest report detailed that a man, followed by police after leaving the parlor, admitted to receiving a sexual service there.
Tongfeng’s arrest was also due to her inability to provide a properly documented list of clients, as required by law.
Nearby, at New Moon Massage Spa, neighboring businesses reported mostly male clientele. Ping Hu was also arrested for not maintaining proper client documentation and for sleeping overnight at the business.
During a visit to Palm Tree Massage, about five men were observed entering and leaving the establishment. Tongfeng maintained her innocence, describing herself as a hardworking and skilled masseuse.
Cape Coral police have not commented further on these cases.