well, son, u inhabit a special place in yer head… seems u can right friggn novels here without sources… even make up stuff when needed
"if u gotta say “In closing…” after typing, big clue u talked WAY 2 much, minister

well, son" lol...yes granpa..
Pops, I get my info from a variety of sources but I can tell you I'm better versed than anyone around these parts on how to acquire news..I worked at the biggest newsroom in the country for 15 years..and I can tell you that your preferred source is giving you news that suits their agenda , which is tailored to match the govts agenda, which is to continue to ignore treatments and push vaccines. I am triple vaxxed, and know they work not at stopping the virus, as advertised incessantly for 18 months (obviously false) until recently, but at diminishing the damage. Having said that there's 1 reason why we don't have more access to treatments or info re treatments..and that is big pharma.
Many people know this, and don't trust what they're hearing on CBC and CNN and msnbc and CBS and ABC etc anymore, and who can blame them.
Finally, my sources also include well regarded doctors who have treated this thing since the beginning. But you keep watching cbc and accept them as your trusted source. That'll serve you well.
They're finding that as rare as it is for omicron to render serious damage, it actually does do that to a rare few (age, compromised immune, and obesity always seem to play a major factor) but most people who can follow rhe bouncing ball understand that therapeutics are a huge factor that is usually missing re availability and info, and many have died as a result of this in earlier times with other variants, and therapeutics would be a huge help now that we know that even the booster doesn't stop omicron.
But you just keep doing what cbc tells you..I'll go with an amalgam of many sources including those that don't censor anything that doesn't suit their agenda. Over and out, pops.
… if u gotta say “In closing…” after typing, big clue u talked WAY 2 much, minister
ICUs empty of COVID patients?

Wow… yer reality sounds fun.. hopefully don’t overdose on those drugs, mysteriously lil room in hospitals here!
248 ICU beds w COVID today. +72 since last wk… we soar past 300 around Friday…
NOTICE: This website is no longer updated and the resources on this site are outdated.If you have questions about previously published Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table resources, please email communications@oahpp.ca. Current Status in Ontario Contents Current Status in Ontario Current...
Now quoting cbc, whose source= Ontario Science Table… 300+ icu beds w COVID= big trouble. If u want corroboration, look it govt panic today…

… long story short… it’s not beds, it’s staff… burnt out, quit, on long delayed vacay, etc
What was said:
Ontario can 'safely admit' 300 COVID-19 patients to ICUs: government
In a news release, the Ontario government said that investments to increase hospital capacity mean the health-care system could "safely admit approximately 300 patients with COVID-related critical illness into ICUs without putting at risk urgent surgeries.”
From March 20, 2020 to October 31, 2021, 9,096 Ontarians have been admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) with COVID-19 related critical illness. The COVID-19 pandemic has strained Ontario’s critical care system. At the peak of wave 3, the number of patients on ventilators was over 180% of...