Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
So, u had COVID? …Again, you’re not thorough if you haven’t seen my recent reviews.
You’re contradicting yourself if you say it comes down to fear, and then say I’m not an antivaxxer. Wouldn’t there be fear attached to taking the proven vaccines I’ve taken? Or do you admit there is something to be feared with this vaccine?
My problem with the vaccine debate is the personal attacks. Everyone should do what they want. Why is it that the people who got vaccinated call the antivaxxers names, like “losers”, and vice versa? Let’s debate the vaccine, not who chooses to take it. Btw, I know you didn’t call me out on that, and I appreciate it.
What would you call a drug developed in 8 months, if not experimental?
As soon as the indys opened their doors, I was there. Probably sooner than you, since only the indys that saw Covid for what it was were back in business. If they had already been reviewed, there was no need for repetition. If they are gems, I’m not going to open them up to “conspiracy theorist” criticism. Or should I say “spoiler alerts”.
You never answered the question. Who is the fearful one? The nurse that got the vaccine, or the nurse that lost her job to keep it out of his/her system? I find the latter to be more brave.
Dude, you’re insightful, provide great reviews and posts (even if they’re hard to read). I’m usually interested in what you have to say. But I haven’t taken my course of action lightly. I’ve done the research, weighed out the pros and cons, and looked at the risk factors. I only hoped that I recovered fully or died if I got it. Didn’t want complications.
I got Covid, I recovered fully, and my immune system did what it’s supposed to. I even tried to get the vaccine after (just to be able to travel, go to the gym etc.), and was told by multiple pharmacists and my doctor that I don’t need it since I’ve had Covid.
Did you do the same due diligence, or were you just following the rules?
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… don’t remember this being said b4… u might think it’s like closing barn door after horse escaped…

… I nvr got COVID tho, so my immune system > yours!

I find nuthin courageous about a nurse who refuses a vax

I really hate antivaxxer losers & conspiracy mongers who hijack threads 4 their own agenda… that doesn’t mean all anti-vax= losers… it means some losers = antivx
Actually, did a ton of research…

Me= very convinced I’m harder 2 kill than most, no way a little needle gonna scare me…

…main thing COVID changed… now I check 2c if girl drops her mask