Centre de Sant
Figured I'd try something more local and see how they fare. Went in to the lobby, simple setup with an empty front desk, asian room divider behind it. Waiting about 30 seconds before mamasan shows up. She asked me right away whether 30 minutes will do. Appreciate the question as it takes out all unnecessary premliminaries and go straight to the point. I say fine, pay up a 35 entrance fee and she shows me in. We go down a corridor with 3 rooms at the end of it. I see one room with a mattress on the floor and opt for it, she warns me that this room has no shower. The smaller room next to it had a shower and the massage table, so I opted for this instead.
I take my shower wondering who will pop in the door as no presentations were offered or descriptions given. As I come out, this mixed caribean chick knocks gently and comes in the door. She was fully clothed, very casual which suggested this joint would probably have a limited menu. Her name was Pamela, with dark curly hair, seemed to be more french speaking (did not test the english)
In any case, I just took off the towel to clearly indicate the reason for my 30 minute stay and just laid on the table. Out comes the oil for a full rub down, which was nice, with minimal teasing every 5 minutes. This lasted for about 25 mins, the came the flip. She rubbed me lightly all over and kept grazing the sack. Eventually, I think she realized the time and asked whether she should do something with this, pointing in the general area. Seeing the time had elapsed, I didn't want to bother with a menu and just went with the flow.
She had me out of there in the next five mins and I not certain that I was really fully satisfied.
Look: 7
Body: 7
Attitude: 8
Location:5 (place looks like a dump, but Mamasan explained that they are relocating to Sherbrooke, a couple of blocks west of cavendish)
Repeat: don't think so, it was a bit lame...