Centre Sant
First of all I stay away from option places and salons that obviously offer options.
Its not a critique of them - its a personnal choice...
I would venture form a business point of view, that cameras are used to make sure the house gets its shares of the options charged to the customer.
Think about it: as an owner of the place who spent many $$$ on a sauna, hot tub, decoration, etc,
would you really let the girl cash in 100% for the options?? How in hell will you know if she is taking money for herself. No way !!
The only whay you want to make sure she give the owner its share of cash is to have cameras to make sure no money is lost to the girl. That whay its really a virtual control over the place. The owner can do whatever he wants, he just has to balance the cash register with the film...
Same with having cameras at Second Cup, or Brulerie St-Denis - no more cash losses.....
So I really do not beleive that the cameras is to protect the girsl; its to protect the owners cash flow.....
Simple business logic....if I invest a bundle of cash in a salon & advertise & have cute girls - will I get only a percentage of the base massage ?? and let the girl have the money from the extras ??
possibly not and a camera will do nicely thank you....
no offense or critique, just an opinion....
an opinion is not the thruth, sometimes its a viable theory..
Such places are obviously making money.
Run of the mill massage places, from what I hear, are often having very little or no clients,
But others with a clear vocation or reputation a la Maylee, Ovarium, Lyly, etc do very well and most likely do not have cameras...