Teenage pregnancies are at an all time high everywhere, even in the cities so living in the sticks isn't the cause, it is lack of education on birth control that is the cause.
I see kids walking everywhere and we DO have public transportation. Whoever told you we don't is full of it. Sure, we don't have subways, but neither does mississauga. Put it another way: a subdivision in mississuga or scarborough is no different than an outlying area of Muskoka. You have to walk or get a ride to the bus stop on the major road, here is no different.
City vs Country Life:
Toronto has Malls we have A mall
Toronto has movie theatres we have movie theatres
Toronto has blockbuster we have blockbuster
Toronto has Wifi we have wifi
Toronto has cable tv, we have cable tv
Toronto has walmart we have walmart
Toronto has video game arcades we have a video arcade
Toronto has the internet and we have the internet
Toronto has skating, we have skating
Toronto has hockey we have hockey
Toronto has soccer, we have soccer
Toronto doesn't have skiing, we have skiing
Toronto doesn't have snowmobiling, we have snowmobiling
Toronto doesn't have cross country skiing, we have cross country skiing
Toronto doesn't have ice fishing, we have ice fishing
toronto has beaches that are polluted, we have beaches that are pristine (you can actually drink the water).
Toronto has field trips to museums we have field trips to them.
In Toronto, you can't go into your backyard and have a campfire, here? No problem (except for fire restricted days in the summer and then those days are relatively few.
The only real difference is quantity. Toronto has more of everything but they also have way more people, more traffic, more drugs, gangs, drive bys, crime, homeless, crack ho's, etc.
I had a buddy who has two teenage daughters who live in a small town in southwestern ontario. I have them on my FB page. They don't seem to be missing out on anything. In fact, they seem to get along fine without all the city BS.
Fluoride in drinking water: did you know this has been a bone of contention since they started doing it? There are those that think it's a good thing and those that say the health risk doesn't warrant the benefits? Ever go to the dentist for a fluoride treatment? If fluoride in the water is so good, why do you need additional fluoride? In addition, why does he tell yo unot to swallow while it's in your moth? Because it's not good for you that's why.
How about chlorine? My drinking water doesn't have that either.
Here's a bit of info for you:
The Risks of Chlorination By-Products
Lab animals exposed to very high levels of THMs have an increased risk of cancer. Several studies on humans have also found a link between long-term exposure to high levels of chlorination by-products and a higher risk of cancer. For instance, a recent study showed an increased risk of bladder and possibly colon cancer in people who drank chlorinated water for 35 years or more.
High levels of THMs may also have an effect on pregnancy. A California study found that pregnant women who drank large amounts of tap water with high THMs had an increased risk of miscarriage. These studies do not prove that there is a link between THMs and cancer or miscarriage. However, they do show the need for further research in this area to confirm potential health effects.
I have another friend who had a teenaged boy and girl (twins). After school, and the home work is done, they'd get on the net and either play video games, or surf. Why does it matter whether they're in toronto or muskoka? Is the net somehow different in toronto?
Sorry, my parents took me camping every weekend when I was 18 months old and I got out of the city every weekend up until I was about 20 yrs old. There was never "nothing to do", we were never bored.
I met a ton of kids my age from the surrounding areas because locals would come to the parks to swim, party, goof around. I'd go to their homes, they'd come to mine. I got a job working on one of the local farms and at night, we'd have a field party, go watch the 3 channels of tv at their place, play games, etc. NO different than what I'd do in the city.
Sorry, the misconception that city life is SO much better for kids is a misnomer.
People seem to think that I live in zimbabwe. As I said: I'm only 2 hrs away from Toronto, no different than a kid in pickering going to the ROM. It takes the same time to get from there to the museum.