I didn't take offence, just pointing out the other side of the coin as it were.
As for long walks, just goes to show you kids these days. When I spent my summers in farm country a 5 mile walk was average. Hell, we'd walk twice as far as that just to get to royal burger in hastings. But the miles disappear quickly when you have a bicycle. I remember one time we all wanted to go go-carting. The track was 3 or 4 lines over, and 4 or 5 up. The lines were 1 1/4 miles apart so that would be....8 - 10 miles to the track and 8 - 10 back. We didn't think anything of it in those days. It was a part of life as a kid. Now? ask a kid to walk 2 miles to the movies? OMG OMG lol......(oh yeah, we didn't have cellphones, the internet, cable tv, or shoes, they weren't invented then lol)
Yeah, your data is a little old. Just about everyone has access to high speed net now. If they have a phone line they have DSL.